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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
feature request[Openbravo ERP] 00. Application dictionarytrivialalways2008-05-23 11:092008-11-26 20:20
ReporterjpabloaeView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tojordimas 
PriorityurgentResolutionfixedFixed in Version2.50
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revisionna
Projection@20@ETAnoneTarget Version2.50
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0000417: Old jasperreports library

DescriptionFeature request filed by Business Momentum:

The jasperreport library which is currently used by openbravo, version
1.3.3, is very old and has a lot of problems. We have already tested the jasperreports engine version 2.0.4 which works well with Openbravo Network.

Could this new version of the library be included in the official Openbravo
version. (currently this library is removed after an update as we found out today!).
Attached Files

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
has duplicate feature request 00034932.50 closedpjuvara Support the latest version of iReport (iReport 2.0.5 does not work) 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-05-23 11:09 jpabloae New Issue
2008-05-23 11:09 jpabloae Issue generated from 0000416
2008-06-02 15:30 jpabloae Assigned To => jpabloae
2008-07-04 10:37 pjuvara Project Openbravo Deployment Options => Openbravo ERP
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Assigned To jpabloae => pjuvara
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Status new => acknowledged
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Tag Attached: ReleaseCandidate
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Projection none => @20@
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Category => 00. Application dictionary
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Target Version => 2.50
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara Status acknowledged => scheduled
2008-07-07 12:22 pjuvara fix_in_branch => trunk
2008-07-07 12:58 pjuvara Priority low => urgent
2008-07-07 12:58 pjuvara fix_in_branch trunk =>
2008-07-07 13:01 pjuvara Relationship added has duplicate 0003493
2008-07-08 13:14 pjuvara Assigned To pjuvara => jordimas
2008-08-14 16:15 jaimetorre sf_bug_id 0 => 2051546
2008-10-08 23:00 pjuvara Status scheduled => resolved
2008-10-08 23:00 pjuvara Fixed in Version => 2.50
2008-10-08 23:00 pjuvara svn_revision => na
2008-10-08 23:00 pjuvara Resolution open => fixed
2008-11-26 20:20 pjuvara Status resolved => closed

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