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View Revisions: Issue #43579 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0043579: Alerts don't show in the main button, only in alert management window
Revision 2020-03-26 07:36 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a new alert rule in any organization different than * with this sql query:
SELECT i.c_order_id AS referencekey_id, i.documentno AS record_id, 0 AS ad_role_id, null AS ad_user_id, '' || i.documentno || ' se ha creado.' AS description, 'Y' AS isactive, i.ad_client_id, i.ad_org_id, now() AS created, 0 AS createdby, now() AS updated, 0 AS updatedby FROM c_order i WHERE i.created >= to_date('20-03-2020','dd-MM-yyyy')

2. Create a sales order

3. Create a new process request: Run immediately, alert process. Run the alert process.

4. At the top of the screen, it shows: Alerts (0), however, if you click on it, there is a new alert in the alert management window. The top button won't update by refreshing or waiting.
Revision 2020-03-25 17:25 by joniturralde93
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a new alert with this sql query:
SELECT i.c_order_id AS referencekey_id, i.documentno AS record_id, 0 AS ad_role_id, null AS ad_user_id, '' || i.documentno || ' se ha creado.' AS description, 'Y' AS isactive, i.ad_client_id, i.ad_org_id, now() AS created, 0 AS createdby, now() AS updated, 0 AS updatedby FROM c_order i WHERE i.created >= to_date('20-03-2020','dd-MM-yyyy')

2. Create a sales order

3. Create a new process request: Run immediately, alert process. Run the alert process.

4. At the top of the screen, it shows: Alerts (0), however, if you click on it, there is a new alert in the alert management window. The top button won't update by refreshing or waiting.
Revision 2020-03-25 17:13 by joniturralde93
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a new alert with this sql query:
SELECT i.c_order_id AS referencekey_id, i.documentno AS record_id, 0 AS ad_role_id, null AS ad_user_id, '' || i.documentno || ' se ha creado.' AS description, 'Y' AS isactive, i.ad_client_id, i.ad_org_id, now() AS created, 0 AS createdby, now() AS updated, 0 AS updatedby FROM c_order i WHERE i.created >= to_date('20-03-2020','dd-MM-yyyy')

2. Create a sales order

3. Create a new process request: Run immediately, alert process.

4. At the top of the screen, it shows: Alerts (0), however, if you click on it, there is a new alert in the alert management window. The top button won't update by refreshing or waiting.

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