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View Revisions: Issue #39623 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0039623: Actual Qty in Commission Amt is set wrongly when Commission is configured as Cascade = No
Revision 2018-11-13 19:16 by AtulOpenbravo
Steps To Reproduce - Login as International Group Admin.
- Create a Payment Term header:
   Overdue Payment Days Rule: 60
   Add a line to it:
      Percentage due: 50
      Overdue Payment Days Rule: 30
- Create a Commission with:
      Business Partner / Sales Rep.: Javier Martín
      Frequency Type: Monthly
      Basis Document: Invoice
      Basis Status. Fully paid docuemnts
      Basis Amount: Net amount
      Cascade = No
   Add a line to it:
      Based on Sales Rep. = Y
      Multiplier amount: 0.5
- Create a Sales Invoice and associate the previously created payment terms and the sales representative to it.
- Line 1: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 153.00
- Line 2: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 204.00
- Line 3: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Quantity: 1, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 368.00
- Total Gross Amount 877.25, Line Gross Amount:725.00, Complete it.
- Realize that two payment plan are available for this invoice.
  Due Date 1: Today + 30 days, Amount = 438.62
  Due Date 2: Today + 60 days, Amount = 438.63
- Pay each of it in three payments with different dates.
- Generate commission for the last payment date.
- Go to the Commission Payment window:
- Realize a there is commission payment created with Total Amount = 94.25.
- In Amount Tab: Amount = 94.25, Converted Amount = 725.00, Actual Quantity = 402.

** Realize that Actual Quantity should be set as 201.
Revision 2018-11-13 19:15 by AtulOpenbravo
Steps To Reproduce - Login as International Group Admin.
- Create a Payment Term header:
   Overdue Payment Days Rule: 60
   Add a line to it:
      Percentage due: 50
      Overdue Payment Days Rule: 30
- Create a Commission with:
      Business Partner / Sales Rep.: Javier Martín
      Frequency Type: Monthly
      Basis Document: Invoice
      Basis Status. Fully paid docuemnts
      Basis Amount: Net amount
      Cascade = No
   Add a line to it:
      Based on Sales Rep. = Y
      Multiplier amount: 0.5
- Create a Sales Invoice and associate the previously created payment terms and the sales representative to it.
- Line 1: Product - Agua sin Gas 1L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 153.00
- Line 2: Product - Cerveza Ale 0,5L, Quantity: 100, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 204.00
- Line 3: Product - Bebida Energética 0,5L, Quantity: 1, Tax: Entregas IVA 21%, Line Net Amount = 368.00
- Total Gross Amount 877.25, Line Gross Amount:725.00, Complete it.
- Realize that two payment plan are available for this invoice.
  Due Date 1: Today + 30 days, Amount = 438.62
  Due Date 2: Today + 60 days, Amount = 438.63
- Pay each of it in three payments with different dates.
- Generate commission for the last payment date.
- Go to the Commission Payment window:
- Realize a there is payment created with Total Amount = 94.25.
- In Amount Tab: Amount = 94.25, Converted Amount = 725.00, Actual Quantity = 402.

** Realize that Actual Quantity should be set as 201.

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