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View Revisions: Issue #36184 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0036184: Cannot select an order line in Create Lines From of Goods Receipt window if it uses secondary UOM
Revision 2017-06-08 10:51 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce As system admin role:
   Set as displayed the 'Order Quantity' and 'Order UOM' fields of at least purchase order and goods receipt lines
   Set as active 'Product - UOM' and 'Unit Of Measure - Conversion' tabs

As group admin role:
   Create a new product
   Add a purchase price list to it
   Set a unit in the UOM tab, for example Kg
   Define a conversion between Kg and Unit
   Create a purchase order, add a line to it and include the previously created product
   Select Kg in Order UOM field and set the quantity in Order Quantity field
   Book it
   Create a Goods Receipt header
   Click on Create Lines From and select the already created order line
   Add a storage bin and click on OK
   Check the following error message is shown:

     "This record cannot be deleted because it is associated with other existing elements. Please see Linked Items"

   The logs shows:

   ERROR org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_actionButton.CreateFromShipmentData - SQL error in query: INSERT INTO M_INOUTLINE ...

Exception:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "m_inoutline" violates foreign key constraint "m_inoutline_m_product_uom"
  Detail: Key (m_product_uom_id)=(72BA247D31F745F3AF11F74A5E2CCBEF) is not present in table "m_product_uom".
Revision 2017-06-08 10:19 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce As system admin role:
   Set as displayed the 'Order Quantity' and 'Order UOM' fields of at least purchase order and goods receipt lines
   Set as active 'Product - UOM' and 'Unit Of Measure - Conversion' tabs

As group admin role:
   Create a new product
   Add a purchase price list to it
   Set a unit in the UOM tab, for example Kg
   Define a conversion between Kg and Unit
   Create a purchase order, add a line to it and include the previously created order
   Select Kg in Order UOM field and set the quantity in Order Quantity field
   Book it
   Create a Goods Receipt header
   Click on Create Lines From and select the already created order line
   Add a storage bin and click on OK
   Check the following error message is shown:

     "This record cannot be deleted because it is associated with other existing elements. Please see Linked Items"

   The logs shows:

   ERROR org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_actionButton.CreateFromShipmentData - SQL error in query: INSERT INTO M_INOUTLINE ...

Exception:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: insert or update on table "m_inoutline" violates foreign key constraint "m_inoutline_m_product_uom"
  Detail: Key (m_product_uom_id)=(72BA247D31F745F3AF11F74A5E2CCBEF) is not present in table "m_product_uom".

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