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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] 07. Sales managementtrivialalways2025-01-28 17:272025-02-04 13:57
Reporterphilippe_muiView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toguilleaer 
PrioritylowResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0057784: RM-20167 [Coupon] Import / value of 'Organization' in csv file not verified when using Business API Data load to create a coupon

DescriptionWhen importing a coupon by csv file, the value of ‘Organization’ in the csv is not verified when the ‘Business API Data Load’ is ran.

I attached the CSV doc in the files

See video: [^] [^]
Steps To ReproduceSteps :
In back-office :
Create a Promotion with Searchkey = ‘TEST9196’
Organization for the promotion = 'Vall Blanca Store' with 'uses coupon codes'=yes

In csv file to import :
Promotion = ‘TEST9196’
Organization = ‘Central Mountains Store’ ---> this organization is from a different legal entity
CouponCode = ‘Test_21_FR’

Result after import file :
The coupon ‘Test_21_FR’ is created in the promotion ‘TEST9196’ even the organization doesn't match the organization where the promotion is created in BO
Attached Filescsv file icon Fichier_FR_Import_21.csv [^] (180 bytes) 2025-01-28 17:27

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
aferraz (manager)
2025-01-31 19:46

Jira: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-28 17:27 philippe_mui New Issue
2025-01-28 17:27 philippe_mui Assigned To => Triage Omni OMS
2025-01-28 17:27 philippe_mui File Added: Fichier_FR_Import_21.csv
2025-01-28 17:27 philippe_mui Modules => Core
2025-01-28 17:27 philippe_mui Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-01-28 17:28 philippe_mui Tag Attached: FASH
2025-01-29 08:18 jonae Assigned To Triage Omni OMS => radhakrishnan
2025-01-31 19:46 aferraz Note Added: 0174977
2025-02-04 13:37 jonae Assigned To radhakrishnan => Retail
2025-02-04 13:57 guillermogil Assigned To Retail => guilleaer

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