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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2025-01-24 09:382025-02-06 06:49
ReporterDanielManchoView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToRetail 
PrioritynormalResolutionno change requiredFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057746: [25Q1] Incorrect number when changing quantity of the product when returning an order

DescriptionWhen creating a verified return of a order with multiple units of a product, if changing the quantity to return to a different of the maximum by clicking on the left of the 0 and with the keyboard, it appears the maximum
Steps To Reproduce1. Log in POS
2. Add 5 Alpine skiing backpack 27 L to the order
3. Click Pay button
4. Click Cash button
5. Click Done button
6. Go to orders in the menu
7. Open the created order
8. Click the 3 vertical dots and select Verified returns
9. Click on the left side of the amount in the quantity to return field from a line
10. Type 3 using the keyboard

Expected result: the quantity to return is set to 3
Observed result: the quantity is 5
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2025-01-24 09-35-09.png [^] (118,851 bytes) 2025-01-24 09:38

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-  Notes
guillermogil (developer)
2025-01-26 11:03

I'm not able to understand the last step:
9. Fill the quantity to Return with 3 using the keyboard but clicking with the mouse on the left of the 0

Can you clarify what is "the left of the 0"?
DanielMancho (developer)
2025-02-04 11:49

Already discussed
jorgewederago (developer)
2025-02-06 06:49

This is not an issue. What is happening here is that the value is evaluated at "real time" thus putting something on the left of the 0 (eg: 3) makes the component to think that you are writing 30 and it will be automatically changed to the maximum amount in the line which in the example is 5

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-24 09:38 DanielMancho New Issue
2025-01-24 09:38 DanielMancho Assigned To => Retail
2025-01-24 09:38 DanielMancho File Added: Screenshot from 2025-01-24 09-35-09.png
2025-01-24 09:38 DanielMancho Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-01-24 10:42 DanielMancho Summary [25Q1] Incorrect number when changing quantity of the product when refunding an order => [25Q1] Incorrect number when changing quantity of the product when returning an order
2025-01-24 10:42 DanielMancho Description Updated View Revisions
2025-01-24 10:44 DanielMancho Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2025-01-26 11:03 guillermogil Note Added: 0174699
2025-01-26 11:03 guillermogil Assigned To Retail => DanielMancho
2025-01-26 11:03 guillermogil Status new => feedback
2025-01-27 09:22 DanielMancho Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2025-02-04 11:49 DanielMancho Note Added: 0175097
2025-02-04 11:49 DanielMancho Assigned To DanielMancho => Retail
2025-02-04 11:49 DanielMancho Status feedback => new
2025-02-06 06:49 jorgewederago Note Added: 0175189
2025-02-06 06:49 jorgewederago Status new => closed
2025-02-06 06:49 jorgewederago Resolution open => no change required

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