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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Modules] Advanced Warehouse Operationsmajoralways2025-01-15 17:242025-01-24 12:15
ReportermalsasuaView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toludmila_ursu 
PriorityhighResolutionfixedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Review Assigned ToAtulOpenbravo
Regression introduced in release

0057652: Push API is sending DO in Ongoing status

DescriptionWhen a distribution order is created and completed from AWO app, an EDL Request is created using the event OBDOAPI_UpdateDOStatus , but sometimes, the record is sent in status OnGoing

It should not be possible because the DO are created in OnGoing status directly in the Frontend.

Analyzing the code, we have seen the event only is triggered when the DO is processed, but we have some cases that the json sent from EDL Request contains docStatus=OnGoing
Steps To Reproduce. it happens randomly
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files? file icon proof of testing ISSUE-57652.webm [^] (4,194,488 bytes) 2025-01-23 20:26

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-  Notes
vmromanos (manager)
2025-01-15 17:37


In theory the launch of this event is centralized in the UpdateDOStatusEvent AfterDistributionOrderProcessedHook class, which is executed only after processing the DO (and therefore changing its status). See ProcessDistributionOrderUtil.processDistributionOrder()

The ongoing status is not changed through this method, but instead the DO is synchronized directly with the Ongoing status. In theory this event shouldn't be launched for a DO in that status.

After a quick view to the code I don't find the root cause. My first idea was related to the asynchronous nature of the push API events. But this shouldn't be a problem in this concrete case because the DO sent is in ongoing status, which shouldn't be possible from the application as explained above.
The only possibility I see is that someone has changed the status back to ongoing after processing the DO, which is something impossible from the UI, and very weird from the user perspective.

Because of that my recommendation would be to add log in the UpdateDOStatusEvent to print the stack trace and the DO information when we detect the DOi is in ongoing status to try to understand the root cause if we are unable to reproduce it ourselves.
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-21 14:44

Merge Request created: [^]
ludmila_ursu (developer)
2025-01-23 20:25

Proof of testing [^]
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-24 12:15

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 2466b5b990fcbba8a7c0eb02d61682def822d1d0
Author: Atul Gaware <>
Date: 23-01-2025 16:55:52
URL: [^]

Fixes ISSUE-0057652: Push API is sending DO in Ongoing status

**Add stack trace in case distribution order has ONGOING status
when triggering UpdateDOStatus event to get more information

M src/org/openbravo/distributionorder/api/push/
hgbot (developer)
2025-01-24 12:15

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-15 17:24 malsasua New Issue
2025-01-15 17:24 malsasua Assigned To => Triage Omni WMS
2025-01-15 17:27 vmromanos Description Updated View Revisions
2025-01-15 17:37 vmromanos Note Added: 0174198
2025-01-20 10:52 mtaal Assigned To Triage Omni WMS => AtulOpenbravo
2025-01-21 14:43 AtulOpenbravo Assigned To AtulOpenbravo => ludmila_ursu
2025-01-21 14:44 hgbot Note Added: 0174473
2025-01-23 20:25 ludmila_ursu Note Added: 0174631
2025-01-23 20:26 ludmila_ursu File Added: proof of testing ISSUE-57652.webm
2025-01-24 12:15 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2025-01-24 12:15 hgbot Status new => resolved
2025-01-24 12:15 hgbot Note Added: 0174674
2025-01-24 12:15 hgbot Note Added: 0174675
2025-01-24 12:15 AtulOpenbravo Review Assigned To => AtulOpenbravo
2025-01-24 12:15 AtulOpenbravo Status resolved => closed

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