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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2024-11-22 15:522024-12-02 07:31
Reportercharlotte_vasseurView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tosreehari 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusscheduledFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned To
Regression levelPre packaging ( pi )
Regression date2024-11-22
Regression introduced in release24Q2
Regression introduced by commit [^]
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057263: [SALES] 'Pay' button instead of 'Refund' on Cancel Order since 24Q2

DescriptionFrom 24Q2, 'Pay' button is displayed instead of 'Refund' when doing a Cancel Order
Steps To ReproduceIn POS on 24Q1 (tested on [^])
Finalize a sale not delivered (delivery mode= 'Pick up in store' or 'Home Delivery')
Go to Orders menu
On the previous sale, click on the '3 dots' button and select 'Cancel Order'
On the cancel local draft ticket, the button 'Refund' is displayed (OK - see Refund on Cancel Order OK.png)

From 24Q2 (test on [^]) and on actual Livebuilds
Do the same test
=> On the cancel local draft ticket, 'Pay' is displayed instead of 'Refund' (see Pay on Cancel Order KO.png)
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Refund on Cancel Order OK.png [^] (108,491 bytes) 2024-11-22 15:53

png file icon Pay on Cancel Order KO.png [^] (125,244 bytes) 2024-11-22 15:53

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
depends on backport 005729424Q4.1 scheduledsreehari [SALES] 'Pay' button instead of 'Refund' on Cancel Order since 24Q2 
depends on backport 005729524Q3.3 scheduledsreehari [SALES] 'Pay' button instead of 'Refund' on Cancel Order since 24Q2 
depends on backport 005729624Q2.5 scheduledsreehari [SALES] 'Pay' button instead of 'Refund' on Cancel Order since 24Q2 
caused by defect 0054164 closedRajesh_18 [Cancel and Replace] No label is shown in POS2 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2024-12-02 07:30

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2024-12-02 07:31

Merge Request created: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-22 15:52 charlotte_vasseur New Issue
2024-11-22 15:52 charlotte_vasseur Assigned To => Retail
2024-11-22 15:53 charlotte_vasseur File Added: Refund on Cancel Order OK.png
2024-11-22 15:53 charlotte_vasseur Regression level => QA functional test
2024-11-22 15:53 charlotte_vasseur Regression introduced in release => 24Q2
2024-11-22 15:53 charlotte_vasseur Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-22 15:53 charlotte_vasseur File Added: Pay on Cancel Order KO.png
2024-11-26 10:19 guilleaer Assigned To Retail => guilleaer
2024-11-26 10:19 guilleaer Status new => acknowledged
2024-11-26 10:19 sreehari Assigned To guilleaer => sreehari
2024-11-26 12:26 sreehari Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-11-26 18:12 guilleaer Status scheduled => acknowledged
2024-11-26 18:12 guilleaer Status acknowledged => scheduled
2024-11-27 10:45 sreehari Regression level QA functional test => Pre packaging ( pi )
2024-11-27 10:45 sreehari Regression date => 2024-11-22
2024-11-27 10:45 sreehari Regression introduced by commit => [^]
2024-11-27 10:46 sreehari Relationship added caused by 0054164
2024-12-02 07:30 hgbot Note Added: 0172853
2024-12-02 07:31 hgbot Note Added: 0172854

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