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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
design defect[POS2] POSmajoralways2024-11-06 14:562025-01-27 10:39
Reporterfermin_ostivarView Statuspublic 
Assigned Toludmila_ursu 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product VersionpiSCM revision 
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Regression introduced in release
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0057019: (RM-20552) "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO FE

DescriptionIf a Organziation has configured the "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", when a DOR is added through the API, when a the DOR is confirmed as received on the AWO Front the event is not triggered.

Is expected not to trigger when the DOR is received from the API, but must be triggered the update from the AWO Front.
Steps To ReproduceSet the "DOAPI: In-Transit Bin for Automatic Issue " preference as TRK-02@TRK
Set EDL Configuration
Set the Event Subscription "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API""

1)Send the DOR through the API
2)Go to "Distribution Order Receipt" tab, select the order, click "Receive", select and user.
3)Go to AWO Front with the user assigned in previous step.
4)Confirm the DOR

The UpdateDOQuantities message is not sent as EDL.
Proposed SolutionThe OBDOAPI_UpdateDOQuantitiesOutsideAPI message must be sent when a DOR is confirmed on the AWO Front
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon 2024-11-06_14-09.png [^] (72,167 bytes) 2024-11-06 14:57

png file icon 2024-11-06_14-09_1.png [^] (69,263 bytes) 2024-11-06 14:57

png file icon 2024-11-06_14-28.png [^] (46,277 bytes) 2024-11-06 14:57

? file icon call.curl [^] (856 bytes) 2024-11-06 14:57
? file icon proof of testing AWO - local - video.webm [^] (4,759,523 bytes) 2024-11-15 12:09

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
depends on feature request 0057515 closedcaristu Openbravo ERP Support defining if a Push API event should be triggered based on the context 
caused by backport 0056460PR24Q2.4 closedSandrahuguet Openbravo ERP Change in the event 'Update Distribution Order quantities through goods movement' causes regression 

-  Notes
fermin_ostivar (developer)
2024-11-11 10:58

It is needed to backport to 24Q2
ludmila_ursu (developer)
2024-11-15 11:53 [^] [^]

Proof of testing: [^]
ludmila_ursu (developer)
2024-11-25 12:46

Previous merge requests closed.
New JIRA that will handle the case: [^]
vmromanos (developer)
2024-12-23 09:45
edited on: 2024-12-23 09:54

Move to design defect and removed due date.

This issue will be fixed in a generic way by Platform for all the push events.

The idea would be to add in the event subscription (not in the event definition) whether you want to receive or not the event when it has been triggered by the API.

More details: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-06 14:56 fermin_ostivar New Issue
2024-11-06 14:56 fermin_ostivar Assigned To => Retail
2024-11-06 14:56 fermin_ostivar Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-11-06 14:57 fermin_ostivar File Added: 2024-11-06_14-09.png
2024-11-06 14:57 fermin_ostivar File Added: 2024-11-06_14-09_1.png
2024-11-06 14:57 fermin_ostivar File Added: 2024-11-06_14-28.png
2024-11-06 14:57 fermin_ostivar File Added: call.curl
2024-11-06 14:59 fermin_ostivar Relationship added caused by 0056460
2024-11-06 15:01 guillermogil Assigned To Retail => Triage Omni WMS
2024-11-11 09:46 mtaal Assigned To Triage Omni WMS => Sandrahuguet
2024-11-11 09:47 mtaal Assigned To Sandrahuguet => ludmila_ursu
2024-11-11 10:58 fermin_ostivar Note Added: 0171749
2024-11-14 12:35 fermin_ostivar Proposed Solution updated
2024-11-15 11:53 ludmila_ursu Note Added: 0172023
2024-11-15 12:09 ludmila_ursu File Added: proof of testing AWO - local - video.webm
2024-11-25 12:46 ludmila_ursu Note Added: 0172540
2024-12-13 14:00 caristu Type defect => design defect
2024-12-23 09:45 vmromanos Note Added: 0173607
2024-12-23 09:54 vmromanos Note Edited: 0173607 View Revisions
2025-01-13 10:17 caristu Relationship added depends on 0057515
2025-01-21 09:03 mtaal Summary "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO Front => (RM-2055) "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO Front
2025-01-27 10:39 mtaal Summary (RM-2055) "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO Front => (RM-20552) "Update DO qty through goods movement not triggered by API", event is not send when an DOR is updated on the AWO FE

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