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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2023-11-16 13:082023-11-22 11:23
ReporterNaroaIriarteView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToNaroaIriarte 
PrioritynormalResolutionfixedFixed in Version24Q1
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0053959: No translatable filters are not working properly on the CRM connector

DescriptionIf non translatable filters are created on the CRM connector, these don't show the proper text. Instad a '$null' value is shown.
Steps To Reproduce- Login in the Openbravo back office with the 'The White Valley Group Admin'.
- Go to the CRM connectorConfiguration window.
- Select the Openbravo BP CRM Integration record and navigate to the Filter tab.
- Create a new Filter record but uncheck the 'translatable' check.
- In the 'Text' field, write the text which should be shown.

- Go back to POS 2 and login as vallblanca.
- Click on the 'finish' green arrow.
- Click on the 'VBS Customer' button.
- The newly created filter appears but instead of showin the desired text '/$null' appears.
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0054076 closedNaroaIriarte No translatable filters are not working properly on the customers window 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2023-11-16 13:28

Merge Request created: [^]
hgbot (developer)
2023-11-22 11:23

Directly closing issue as related merge request is already approved.

Repository: [^]
Changeset: 42ed1d40cccb1cfe189a986cb135546be7471580
Author: Naroa Iriarte <>
Date: 22-11-2023 10:23:17
URL: [^]

fixed ISSUE-53959: The CRM filter now shows the expected value when these are not translatable.

M web-jspack/org.openbravo.pos2/src/components/Customer/CustomerSelector/CustomerSelectorHandler.js
hgbot (developer)
2023-11-22 11:23

Merge request merged: [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-11-16 13:08 NaroaIriarte New Issue
2023-11-16 13:08 NaroaIriarte Assigned To => NaroaIriarte
2023-11-16 13:08 NaroaIriarte Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-11-16 13:28 hgbot Note Added: 0157212
2023-11-21 15:34 NaroaIriarte Status new => acknowledged
2023-11-22 11:23 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2023-11-22 11:23 hgbot Status acknowledged => closed
2023-11-22 11:23 hgbot Fixed in Version => 24Q1
2023-11-22 11:23 hgbot Note Added: 0157477
2023-11-22 11:23 hgbot Note Added: 0157478
2023-12-05 14:49 NaroaIriarte Relationship added related to 0054076

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