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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] B. User interfacetrivialalways2023-06-27 19:532023-07-26 10:48
Reporterwilliam_vermerschView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToTriage Platform Base 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSLinux 64 bitDatabasePostgreSQLJava version7.x
OS VersionOpenbravo Appliance 14.04Database version9.3.xAnt version1.9.x
Product VersionSCM revision 
Review Assigned To
Web browserGoogle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
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Regression introduced in release
Regression introduced by commit
Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0052874: Filter fields are not alignes after filter


When using a menu entry pointing on a process
AND in the process definition there is a parameter pointing on a Window Reference
AND applying a filter on the grid generated
AND that there is an horizontal scrollbar
AND you are at the end (right) position of the scroll bar

THEN you there is misalignment between the data and the filter header.
Steps To ReproduceUsing a menu entry pointing on a process
AND in the process definition there is a parameter pointing on a Window Reference
AND applying a filter on the grid generated
AND that there is an horizontal scrollbar
AND you are at the end (right) position of the scroll bar

THEN you there is misalignment between the data and the filter header.
Proposed SolutionI didn't achieve to find a solution, there is maybe an issue in the isomorphic library.

* Isomorphic SmartClient
 * Version v10.0d_2014-02-13 (2014-02-13)

Maybe a newer version could help
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot from 2023-06-27 19-52-20.png [^] (59,371 bytes) 2023-06-27 19:53

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch New Issue
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch Assigned To => Triage Platform Base
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch File Added: Screenshot from 2023-06-27 19-52-20.png
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch Web browser => Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch Modules => Smartclient
2023-06-27 19:53 william_vermersch Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-07-13 08:27 jarmendariz Web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox => Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
2023-07-26 10:48 ngarcia Web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox => Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

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