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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] 02. Master data managementmajoralways2017-01-31 10:552017-11-22 19:19
Reporterinaki_garciaView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tocollazoandy4 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusscheduledFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0035100: [PR17Q1] Characteristic Configuration doesn't correctly update for a Product when switching the Explode Configuration Tab check

DescriptionWhen setting the Characteristics for a Product, the Explode Configuration Tab setting interferes with the Characteristic Configuration values being updated properly. Check the steps to reproduce for further details.

This issue is also reproducible in pi.
Steps To Reproduce0. Log in the ERP as "Openbravo"

1. Create a Product Characteristic with some Values
 1.1. Go to the Product Characteristic window
 1.2. Create a new record with the following data (in Form view):
  - Name: "Variant and ECT"
  - Variant: checked
  - Explode Configuration Tab: checked
  - Active: checked
 1.3. Go to Value tab and create two records with the following data:
  - (Record 1) Name: "Value 1"
  - (Record 2) Name: "Value 2"

2. Create a Product and create a record for the Characteristics tab
 2.1. Go to the Product window
 2.2. Create a new record with the following data:
  - Search key: "Explode config test"
  - Name: "Explode config test"
  - Is Generic: checked
 2.3. Go to the Characteristics tab, and create a record with the previously created Product Characteristic
  - (Variant and Explode Configuration Tab field should be checked)
 2.4. Open the Characteristic Configuration tab (NOTE that the Values set for the Product Characteristic are shown, which is correct)
 2.5. Edit the just created Characteristics record
  - Set Explode Configuration Tab to unchecked

3. Create a new Value for the record created in the Product Characteristic window
 - Name: "Value 3"

4. Edit again the record created in the Characteristics tab
 - Set Explode Configuration Tab to checked

5. Go to the Characteristic Configuration tab and refresh
 5.1. --- NOTE that the newly created Value for the Product Characteristic isn't shown

These steps to reproduce are based on the following test case: [^]
Steps from 2.5 onward are depicted in the attached video.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filesmov file icon [^] (350,204 bytes) 2017-01-31 10:55

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
collazoandy4 (reporter)
2017-11-22 19:19

Test Plan
  As F&B International Group Admin Role
    Go to Product Characteristic and create a new record:
      Name: Variant and ECT
      Variant: Y
      Explode Configuration Tab: Y
      Create two records in Value tab with Name: Value 1 for the firs record and Name: Value 2 for the second
    Go to Product window and create a new record:
      Search key/Name: Explode config test
        Is Generic: Y
        Go to the Characteristics tab, and create a record with the previously created Product Characteristic:
          Variant: Y
          Explode configuration Tab: Y
        Check in Characteristics Configuration tab that two new records was created
        Edit the previous Characteristic created to Explode configuration Tab: N
      Go to Product Characteristics window and create a new record in Value tab: Name Value 3
      Go to Product window select the previous product created and edit the previous Characteristic created to Explode configuration Tab: Y
      Check in Characteristics Configuration tab that was updated to the new record created in Value tab of Product Characteristics window

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-31 10:55 inaki_garcia New Issue
2017-01-31 10:55 inaki_garcia Assigned To => Triage Finance
2017-01-31 10:55 inaki_garcia File Added:
2017-01-31 10:55 inaki_garcia Modules => Core
2017-01-31 10:55 inaki_garcia Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2017-11-21 23:59 collazoandy4 Assigned To Triage Finance => collazoandy4
2017-11-22 00:02 collazoandy4 Status new => scheduled
2017-11-22 19:19 collazoandy4 Note Added: 0100671

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