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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Retail Modules] Layaway orderminoralways2015-04-16 09:582015-04-16 16:27
ReporterlorenzofidalgoView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToRetail 
PrioritynormalResolutionopenFixed in Version
StatusnewFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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Triggers an Emergency PackNo

0029606: During the voiding layaway process a non informative error message can appear and does not help user to find out the problem

DescriptionIf the user has not enough permissions, during the "Void this layaway" process, an error message can appear ("There was an error voiding the Layaway). This error prevents user to continue with this process, but user does not know what is happening.
Steps To Reproduce1-Create a manual user (not an advance one):

[Testlink test cases:
1.1- [^]
1.2- [^]]
Login into POS backend:
"Username": Openbravo
"Password": openbravo
Change the role as “The White Valley Group Admin”

Navigate to User window (General Setup || Security || User)

Create a new record (Ctrl + D)

To create a new user, enter the below user details

Client: The White Valley Group
Organization: *
Name: manualuser
Username: manualuser
First name:
Last name:
Password: openbravo
Click Ctrl + s to save the details

Then navigate to POS Terminal Access tab

Click Ctrl + D to add a new record

Then enter

POS Terminal: VBS POS Terminal
Click Ctrl + S to save the details

Navigate to Role window (General Setup || Security || Role)

Create a new record by clicking the hot keys Ctrl + D

To create a new user role, enter the below user details

Client: The White Valley Group
Organization: *
Name: POS User Role
User level: Organization
Manual: Checked
Restricted Backend access: Checked
Click Ctrl + s to save the details

Then navigate to Org Access tab

Click Create one link to add new record

Organization: Vall Blanca Store
Organization Administrator: No
Then navigate to User Assignment tab

Click Create one link to add new record

Then select below details

User/Contact: POS User
Role Administrator: Unchecked
Then navigate to Form Access

Click Create one link to add new record

Then select below details

Special Form: Web POS
Click Ctrl + s to save the details
2-Layaway a receipt
[Testlink test case: [^]]
2.1-Set "Web Pos action layaway the receipt" preference
Login to ERP system using below user credentials:

"Username": Openbravo
"Password": openbravo
Then change the role to “The White Valley Group Admin” role

Navigate to “Preference” window

Click Ctrl + D to add new record

Then enter the below details

“Client”: The White Valley Group
"Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Property List”: Checked
“Property”: Web Pos action layaway the receipt
Then In Visibility section, enter the below details

“Visible at Client”: The White Valley Group
"Visible at Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Visible at User”: manualuser
Click Ctrl + S to save the changes
2.2-Layaway the receipt:
Login to POS terminal, go to the login URL: http://{server}/{context}/web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/?terminal=VBS-1 [^]

Enter login credentials:

"Username": manualuser
"Password": openbravo
The POS window will appear.

Add product

Alpine skiing backpack 27 L
Quantity: 1 no
And verify the below details

Product: Alpine skiing backpack 27 L
Qty: 1
Price: 109.90
Total Gross Amount: 109.90
Tax Breakdown

Tax percentage: Entregas IVA 21%
Taxable Amount: 90.83
Total Tax amount: 19.07
Increase the Product Alpine skiing backpack 27 L by 5 numbers (by clicking the line item and press + symbol 5 times)

Product: Alpine skiing backpack 27 L
Quantity: 5
Unit Price: 109.90
Total line amount: 549.50
Total Gross Amount: 549.50
Tax Breakdown

Tax percentage: Entregas IVA 21%
Taxable Amount: 454.15
Total Tax amount: 95.35
Then to make the receipt to Layaway receipt, from menu item, click “Layaway this Receipt” option

Verify “To be laid away” text appears in the receipt.
Tap on the “Total” amount

. Verify “549.50 € remaining to pay.” text appears on the right hand side of the terminal, along with “Layaway”button
To keep the order Laid Away click “Layaway” button
3-Void the layaway
[Testlink test case: [^]]

3.1-Set "Web pos action void layaway" preference:

Login to ERP system using below user credentials:

"Username": Openbravo
"Password": openbravo
Then change the role to “The White Valley Group Admin” role

Navigate to “Preference” window

Click Ctrl + D to add new record

Then enter the below details

“Client”: The White Valley Group
"Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Property List”: Checked
“Property”: Web Pos action void layaway
Then In Visibility section, enter the below details

“Visible at Client”: The White Valley Group
"Visible at Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Visible at User”: manualuser
Click Ctrl + S to save the changes

Again click Ctrl + D to add new record

Then enter the below details

“Client”: The White Valley Group
"Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Property List”: Checked
“Property”: Web Pos Search Layaways
Then In Visibility section, enter the below details

“Visible at Client”: The White Valley Group
"Visible at Organization": Vall Blanca Store
“Visible at User”: manualuser
Click Ctrl + S to save the changes
3.2-Void layaway

Login to POS terminal, go to the login URL: http://{server}/{context}/web/org.openbravo.retail.posterminal/?terminal=VBS-1 [^]

Enter login credentials:

"Username": manualuser
"Password": openbravo
The POS window will appear.

Click Menu Dropdown, select Layaways option

Then enter the receipt id which is created in the above test case (MAU0085) and press Enter (or search) key

Then verify Lawaway receipt id appears in the search results section

To open the Layaway receipt, click the receipt id

Verify the receipt details opened in the receipt view with label “Layaway”

And verify the below details

Product: Alpine skiing backpack 27 L
Quantity: 5
Unit Price: 109.90
Total line amount: 549.50
Total Gross Amount: 549.50
Receipt Status: Layaway

Tax Breakdown

Tax percentage: Entregas IVA 21%
Taxable Amount: 454.15
Total Tax amount: 95.35
Then from menu dropdown, click “Void Layaway" option

Verify “Void this Layaway” label appears in the receipt once the user clicks the Void Layaway option

Tap on the “Total” amount

Verify “Total is Zero. No Payment needed” text appears on the right hand side of the terminal, along with “Void” button
To void the receipt, click “Void” button
Defect: An error appears due to manual users are not able to void the layaway. Besides activating preferences, it is necessary to add some Role||Window Access records.
Proposed SolutionError message should be more informative to show what a user should do to continue the flow or showing the concrete problem.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon ErrorVoidingLayaway2.png [^] (13,239 bytes) 2015-04-16 09:58

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to defect 0029614 closedRetail Set "Web POS action void layaway" preference does not prevent "Void this layaway" option to appear in dropdown menu 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-04-16 09:58 lorenzofidalgo New Issue
2015-04-16 09:58 lorenzofidalgo Assigned To => Retail
2015-04-16 09:58 lorenzofidalgo File Added: ErrorVoidingLayaway2.png
2015-04-16 09:58 lorenzofidalgo Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-04-16 16:27 lorenzofidalgo Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2015-04-16 16:59 lorenzofidalgo Relationship added related to 0029614

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