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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[Openbravo ERP] A. Platformminoralways2011-12-27 13:112012-02-22 18:07
ReporterVictorVillarView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToAugustoMauch 
PriorityhighResolutionno change requiredFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version3.0MP9
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product Version3.0MP6SCM revision 
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0019371: Some grid columns don't have correct width

DescriptionSome grid columns don't honor the width defined on the Application Dictionary.

For example on header tab of Sales Invoice window, all numeric columns on the grid have the width adjusted to the label length instead of the width defined on the application dictionary. (Total Gross Amount, Total Paid, Outstanding Amount,...).

Checking the Grid definition numeric fields seem to have a "width: 50%" as a editor property but no width defined for the grid. On the code below, first definition is correct and second one is wrong:

        autoExpand: true, type: '_id_112',
        editorProperties: {
          displayField: null, valueField: null
          // note need to be repeated for editor fields
          , columnName: 'C_Currency_Id_To'
          , inpColumnName: 'inpcCurrencyIdTo'
          , referencedKeyColumnName: 'C_Currency_ID'
          , targetEntity: 'Currency'
          , disabled: false
          , readonly: false
          , updatable: true
        , width: isc.OBGrid.getDefaultColumnWidth(32), displayField: 'toCurrency._identifier',valueField: 'toCurrency', foreignKeyField: true, name: 'toCurrency', canExport: true, canHide: true, editorType: 'OBFKItem', showHover: true, hoverHTML:"return grid.getDisplayValue(colNum, record[(this.displayField ? this.displayField : 'toCurrency')])"
        , filterOnKeypress: true, canFilter:true, filterEditorType: 'OBFKFilterTextItem'
        , title: 'To Currency'
        , prompt: 'To Currency'
        , required: true
        , escapeHTML: true
        , showIf: 'true'
        , columnName: 'C_Currency_Id_To'
        , inpColumnName: 'inpcCurrencyIdTo'
        , referencedKeyColumnName: 'C_Currency_ID'
        , targetEntity: 'Currency'
        autoExpand: false, type: '_id_800019',
        editorProperties: {
          // note need to be repeated for editor fields
          , columnName: 'Rate'
          , inpColumnName: 'inprate'
          , referencedKeyColumnName: ''
          , targetEntity: ''
          , disabled: false
          , readonly: false
          , updatable: true
        , name: 'rate', canExport: true, canHide: true, editorType: 'OBNumberItem'
        , canFilter:true, filterEditorType: 'OBNumberFilterItem'
        , title: 'Rate'
        , prompt: 'Rate'
        , required: true
        , escapeHTML: true
        , showIf: 'true'
        , columnName: 'Rate'
        , inpColumnName: 'inprate'
        , referencedKeyColumnName: ''
        , targetEntity: ''
Steps To ReproduceGo to Sales Invoice window and check grid's column width.

As System Administrator modify the display length of the fields of that tab.

Reload the Sales Invoice window and notice that widths don't change.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
has duplicate defect 0018228 closedalostale Some grid columns don't have correct width 

-  Notes
AugustoMauch (manager)
2012-02-22 18:07

Openbravo is already taking into account the display length of the fields when setting the width of the column. There are three default widths: 50, 100 and 200 pixels. Depending on the value of the display length field one of these widths will be assigned.

Currently it is not possible to be more precise using the display length field. If a user wants to define the width of a column with more precision, then he should change the width manually, and it will automatically be saved in the preferences.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-12-27 13:11 VictorVillar New Issue
2011-12-27 13:11 VictorVillar Assigned To => alostale
2011-12-27 13:11 VictorVillar Modules => Core
2011-12-27 13:11 VictorVillar Resolution time => 1331247600
2011-12-27 13:12 VictorVillar Relationship added related to 0018228
2012-01-09 12:39 alostale Relationship replaced has duplicate 0018228
2012-01-16 16:46 mirurita Issue Monitored: mirurita
2012-02-06 10:02 alostale Assigned To alostale => AugustoMauch
2012-02-22 18:07 AugustoMauch Note Added: 0045379
2012-02-22 18:07 AugustoMauch Status new => closed
2012-02-22 18:07 AugustoMauch Resolution open => no change required

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