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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
defect[POS2] POSminoralways2025-02-05 17:432025-02-24 15:51
ReporterDaria_ShView Statuspublic 
Assigned ToTriage Omni OMS 
PrioritynormalResolutionsuspendedFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
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0057880: [25Q1] Incorrect title and button name and missing description on Data Collection screen in SCO

Description [^]

According to the provided design in the functional specification, acceptance criteria 1.1, the Data Collection screen should display the title "Customer Information" and the description "Review or edit your information and press Continue."
Additionally, the "OK" button should be replaced with a "Continue" button

Pre-condition (In the Backoffice):

1. Go to 'Channel Touchpoint Type' window
2. Ensure 'Invoice issuance only for identified Customers' is set to true
3. Go to the BO → 'CRM Connector Configuration' window
4. Open the CRM connector → 'Filter' tab
5. Ensure 'bpName', 'bpTaxId', 'bpPhone' and 'bpEmail' filters are created
6. Ensure 'SCO Display' flag in the 'SCO UI Configuration' section is not selected for each filter
7. Go to 'SCO Configurations' window
8. Ensure 'Show Identification Button' is set to false in the 'SCO Buttons Configuration' section

Follow the instructions in this file to enable Spain localization [^]
Steps To Reproduce1. Log in to POS
2. Add the product with a quantity that increases the total beyond 3,000 euros
3. Assign the Customer (e.x. Arturo Montoro)
4. Click 3 dots in the bottom of the Order area
5. Select 'Issue Invoice' option
6. Push top right SCO button to switch to SCO
7. Introduce logging credentials
8. Once in the basket, push 'Finish and Pay' button
9. Confirm basket → Select payment method
10. Push 'Simplified Invoice' document type
11. Click 'No receipt' button → Push 'Continue' button

Actual result: The screen is titled "Receipt Fiscalization", the description is missing, and the "OK" button is displayed

Expected result: The screen should be titled "Customer Information", the description "Review or edit your information and press Continue" should be shown, and the "OK" button should be replaced with "Continue"
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Screenshot_100.png [^] (35,535 bytes) 2025-02-05 17:43

png file icon Screenshot_105.png [^] (38,635 bytes) 2025-02-05 17:45

- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]

-  Notes
jonae (developer)
2025-02-24 15:51

This topic is being blocked by a development from plaform [^] In this development the support for title and subtitle customization needs to be added to the client api.
There is another jira to add the support to the portugal fiscalization once the development by platform team is done. [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-05 17:43 Daria_Sh New Issue
2025-02-05 17:43 Daria_Sh Assigned To => Retail
2025-02-05 17:43 Daria_Sh File Added: Screenshot_100.png
2025-02-05 17:43 Daria_Sh Triggers an Emergency Pack => No
2025-02-05 17:44 Daria_Sh Description Updated View Revisions
2025-02-05 17:44 Daria_Sh Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions
2025-02-05 17:45 Daria_Sh File Added: Screenshot_105.png
2025-02-06 03:55 jorgewederago Assigned To Retail => Triage Omni OMS
2025-02-24 15:51 jonae Note Added: 0176083
2025-02-24 15:51 jonae Status new => closed
2025-02-24 15:51 jonae Resolution open => suspended

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