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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
backport[Openbravo ERP] 09. Financial managementmajoralways2019-02-14 16:062019-02-20 15:27
Reporterjoniturralde93View Statuspublic 
Assigned ToAtulOpenbravo 
PriorityurgentResolutionfixedFixed in Version3.0PR18Q4.2
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revisionbf5f0343dba5
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version3.0PR18Q4.2
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product Version3.0PR18Q3.3SCM revision 
Review Assigned ToSandrahuguet
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0040241: Unpost process can be very slow

DescriptionIn a customer instance with a lot of data in FACT_ACCT, the queries are too slow when filtering by record_id.
Attached query from ResetAccounting (getDocbasetypes method) which makes the process slow.

Also attached explain analyze before and after our proposed solution.
Steps To ReproduceIn customer environment:

1. Go to goods shipment.
2. Unpost a record.
3. Process time can vary, but sometimes can easily take 30-60 mins

Almost all the time consumed by the attached query.

TagsNo tags attached.
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blocks defect 00402083.0PR18Q3.3 closedAtulOpenbravo Unpost process can be very slow 

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2019-02-20 15:26

Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR18Q4.2
Changeset: bf5f0343dba5aa733d8e7c74d9ee9461621a6daf
Author: Atul Gaware <atul.gaware <at>>
Date: Wed Feb 20 09:46:02 2019 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixes Issue 0040241:Unpost process can be very slow

To use existing index fact_acct_table_record_id for
ad_table_id and record_id columns of fact_acct, ad_table_id
is added in AND clause of exists subquery from fact_acct
table only if record id is sent to getDocbasetypes method.

M src/org/openbravo/financial/
Sandrahuguet (developer)
2019-02-20 15:27

Code review + testing OK

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-02-20 10:11 AtulOpenbravo Type defect => backport
2019-02-20 10:11 AtulOpenbravo Target Version 3.0PR18Q3.3 => 3.0PR18Q4.2
2019-02-20 15:26 hgbot Checkin
2019-02-20 15:26 hgbot Note Added: 0109960
2019-02-20 15:26 hgbot Status scheduled => resolved
2019-02-20 15:26 hgbot Resolution open => fixed
2019-02-20 15:26 hgbot Fixed in SCM revision => [^]
2019-02-20 15:27 Sandrahuguet Review Assigned To => Sandrahuguet
2019-02-20 15:27 Sandrahuguet Note Added: 0109961
2019-02-20 15:27 Sandrahuguet Status resolved => closed
2019-02-20 15:27 Sandrahuguet Fixed in Version => 3.0PR18Q4.2

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