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TypeCategorySeverityReproducibilityDate SubmittedLast Update
backport[Openbravo ERP] 07. Sales managementmajorhave not tried2011-02-25 12:232015-02-12 14:37
ReporteradrianromeroView Statuspublic 
Assigned Tomirurita 
PriorityurgentResolutionout of dateFixed in Version
StatusclosedFix in branchFixed in SCM revision
ProjectionnoneETAnoneTarget Version
OSAnyDatabaseAnyJava version
OS VersionDatabase versionAnt version
Product Version2.50MP27SCM revision 
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0016056: A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated nor closed

Descriptionif there is a sales order with discount, and its related invoice or shipment is voided, if you try reactivate or close the sales order, an error is returned and the operation cannot be done.
Steps To Reproduce. business partner with discount with check "apply in order" selected
. create a new sales order "warehouse order"
. process the order
. create and process a new invoice from sales order
. the invoice is voided
. if you try reactivate the sales order, error is returned: "update o delete en «c_orderline» viola la llave foránea «c_invoiceline_c_orderline» en la tabla «c_invoiceline»"
TagsNo tags attached.
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- Relationships Relation Graph ] Dependency Graph ]
related to backport 00156662.50MP27 closedadrianromero A sales order with discount cannot be closed 
related to backport 00156672.50MP27 closedadrianromero A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated 
related to defect 0015929 closedadrianromero A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated 
related to defect 0015930 closedadrianromero A sales order with discount cannot be closed 
depends on design defect 0016629 scheduledmirurita A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated nor closed 
Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed.

-  Notes
hgbot (developer)
2011-04-04 11:14

Repository: erp/stable/2.50
Changeset: 7aa0c5da0436e67872949bfdabd97d4b5b087972
Author: Adrián Romero <adrianromero <at>>
Date: Mon Apr 04 11:12:26 2011 +0200
URL: [^]

Issue 0016056: A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated nor closed
It has been disabled the recalculation of discounts when closing orders because this is the origin of the error. The recalculation of discounts when closing an order is not necessary because discounts of a completed order are properly calculated yet.

M src-db/database/model/functions/C_ORDER_POST1.xml
hgbot (developer)
2011-05-02 10:16

Repository: erp/stable/2.50
Changeset: 692c9a694d11ecc79c8b8faead93ec449f8e35b9
Author: Adrián Romero <adrianromero <at>>
Date: Wed Apr 27 18:14:09 2011 +0200
URL: [^]

Issue 0016056: A sales order with discount cannot be reactivated nor closed
It has been fixed the process of closing sales orders. Discounts are recalculated reusing previous discount lines if it is not possible to delete these discount lines because there already exist records linked to these discount lines

M src-db/database/model/functions/C_ORDER_POST1.xml
hudsonbot (developer)
2011-05-12 13:27

A changeset related to this issue has been promoted main and to the
Central Repository, after passing a series of tests.

Promotion changeset: [^]

Maturity status: Test
plujan (manager)
2015-02-12 14:37

Backports to 2.50 branch are no longer supported

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-25 12:23 adrianromero New Issue
2011-02-25 12:23 adrianromero Assigned To => adrianromero
2011-02-25 12:23 adrianromero Modules => Core
2011-02-25 12:23 adrianromero Status new => scheduled
2011-02-25 12:23 adrianromero fix_in_branch => pi
2011-02-25 12:24 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015677
2011-02-25 12:24 adrianromero Relationship deleted related to 0015677
2011-02-25 12:24 adrianromero Relationship added depends on 0015667
2011-02-25 12:24 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015666
2011-02-25 12:24 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015959
2011-02-25 12:25 adrianromero Relationship deleted related to 0015959
2011-02-25 12:25 adrianromero Relationship deleted depends on 0015667
2011-02-25 12:25 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015667
2011-02-25 12:25 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015929
2011-02-25 12:25 adrianromero Relationship added related to 0015930
2011-04-04 11:14 hgbot Checkin
2011-04-04 11:14 hgbot Note Added: 0035515
2011-04-04 11:18 adrianromero Type defect => backport
2011-04-04 11:18 adrianromero version pi => 2.50MP27
2011-04-04 11:18 adrianromero fix_in_branch pi =>
2011-04-04 11:18 adrianromero Issue cloned 0016629
2011-04-04 11:18 adrianromero Relationship added depends on 0016629
2011-04-27 18:03 hgbot Checkin
2011-04-27 18:03 hgbot Note Added: 0036138
2011-04-27 18:05 adrianromero Note Deleted: 0036138
2011-05-02 10:16 hgbot Checkin
2011-05-02 10:16 hgbot Note Added: 0036237
2011-05-12 13:27 hudsonbot Checkin
2011-05-12 13:27 hudsonbot Note Added: 0036778
2011-06-03 10:58 dalsasua Assigned To adrianromero => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:16 dalsasua Assigned To dalsasua => jonalegriaesarte
2012-04-03 12:20 jonalegriaesarte Assigned To jonalegriaesarte => vmromanos
2012-05-10 12:12 gorka_gil Assigned To vmromanos => mirurita
2015-02-12 14:37 plujan Note Added: 0074417
2015-02-12 14:37 plujan Status scheduled => closed
2015-02-12 14:37 plujan Resolution open => out of date

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