Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0057455POS2POSpublic2024-12-16 10:402024-12-20 09:03
normalminorhave not tried
0057455: Suggestions Engine use initial form values to make suggestions
In POS, if Suggestion Engine should suggest something, it's using the initial form values to make suggestions, instead the updated values.
1. Select a customer an edit any address.
2. Change Postal Code.
3. Type something into Address Line 1 to get suggestions.

This suggestions will be related to initial Postal Code, and not to the changed. Once you save the form, and opened again, data is saved, and the suggestions will be correctly generated.

This is also easily noticeable by using the network debugger, watching the network requests done to "getPropertySuggestion" endpoint (this is automatically requested when a the POS is going to show suggestions). Inside the request, the sent entity will contain the old data.
At CustomerFormHandlerUtils.js:
 1. Inside function "setFieldProperties", probably in, another property is necessary >> valueChanged: true
 2. Inside function "propertyFormSuggestionSelected":
  2.1. Inside if "useSuggestionEngine" and "field.obAutoResolveSelection", the function "setFieldProperties" is executed with some arguments. Probably one of them is incorrect (probably If not, the call to this function is incorrect and some code will need to be developed inside these two if's.
  2.2. The variable "entityForSuggestions" is created using objectToValidate.getPlainObject(), which probably is not correct because this is using the old entity (not with the updated data). Probably this is not necessarily a bug and this code it's ok, because the real bug is in first point, and if it's solved, all be ok.

Take into account that this is some developer research after a debugging session, so this solutions/conclusions are not necessary correct.

Have fun!
¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯
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Issue History
2024-12-16 10:40jayalaNew Issue
2024-12-16 10:40jayalaAssigned To => Retail
2024-12-16 10:40jayalaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-12-16 10:40jayalaAssigned ToRetail => guilleaer
2024-12-16 10:42jayalaProposed Solution updated
2024-12-16 12:12jayalaSteps to Reproduce Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=28929#r28929
2024-12-16 13:16guilleaerSeveritytrivial => minor
2024-12-20 09:03guilleaerStatusnew => scheduled

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