Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
View Issue Details
0056825POS2POSpublic2024-10-18 08:262024-10-18 08:31
0056825: [24Q4] Long text in Payment Method Additional Info fields visually cut off.
When a long text is selected in a field of the Payment Method Additional Info window, it gets cut off and the window does not adjust properly. Initially, the dropdown displays the long text correctly, and scrolling through the options works well. However, once a long text option is selected, the content is cut off and the window deforms.
1. Go to Backoffice -> Username: Openbravo and Password: openbravo
2. Go to 'Channel Touchpoint Type' window
3. Open 'POS2SD VBS POS2 Terminal Type' channel touchpoint
4. Navigate to the 'Payment Method' tab -> Open 'Cash' Payment method
5. Check 'Additional Information' box
6. Open 'Payment Method Additional informations' tab.
7. Create a new field with the following values: Name: Field 1; Search Key: KEY1; Type Combobox.
8. Ctrl+S to save.
9. Open 'Values' tab.
10. Create a new value with ‘Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed’ name.
11. Ctrl+S to save.
12. Go to POS2 (VBS-2). -> Username: vallblanca and Password: openbravo
13. Select any product.
14. Click 'Pay' button.
15. Select 'Cash' pay method.
16. In 'Field 1' field -> Select the option created before.

Actual result: The text gets cut off, and the window does not adjust to the text.
Expected result: The text is completely shown, and the window correctly adjust to the text.
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png Additional Info window after selection.png (37,381) 2024-10-18 08:26

png Additional Info Window before selection.png (31,347) 2024-10-18 08:31
Issue History
2024-10-18 08:26jinigoNew Issue
2024-10-18 08:26jinigoAssigned To => Retail
2024-10-18 08:26jinigoFile Added: Additional Info window after selection.png
2024-10-18 08:26jinigoTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2024-10-18 08:31jinigoFile Added: Additional Info Window before selection.png

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