Openbravo Issue Tracking System - POS2
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0053947POS2POSpublic2023-11-15 15:522023-11-15 15:59
normalminorhave not tried
0053947: [23Q4] While offline, the "Search Customer" pop up shows a wrong message
If I am working in offline mode, the pop up for searching a customer shows a message saying that the feature is not available when it is actually working.
Scenario A (working as expected)

1. Being online, from the main POS window with a blank ticket, click the "VBS Customer" button
2. A pop up is shown, titled "Search Customer to Assign". Notice there is a message in the pop up "Enter the fields by which you want to filter to search for the customer"
3. Enter "cus" in the "Full name" search box and check three results are returned.

Scenario B (failing)
1. Being OFFLINE, from the main POS window with a blank ticket, click the "VBS Customer" button
2. A pop up is shown, titled "Search Customer to Assign". Notice there is a message in the pop up "CRM server is offline. Cannot search for a business partner until the server is back online"
3. Enter "cus" in the "Full name" search box and check three results are returned.
The message shown while offline is misleading as it says that searching is not available when it actually is.
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related to defect 0053695 closed jayala [23Q4] "Customers" menu option in the main App menu is not available while offline 
png searchCustomer.png (26,947) 2023-11-15 15:58
Issue History
2023-11-15 15:52plujanNew Issue
2023-11-15 15:52plujanAssigned To => jayala
2023-11-15 15:52plujanTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2023-11-15 15:52plujanIssue generated from0053695
2023-11-15 15:52plujanRelationship addedrelated to 0053695
2023-11-15 15:58plujanFile Added: searchCustomer.png
2023-11-15 15:59plujanAssigned Tojayala => Retail

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