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View Revisions: Issue #30690 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0030690: Update/fix of smaller issues related to multi-server behavior
Revision 2015-08-27 17:40 by mtaal
Description When testing multi-server behavior the following was noted:
- the synchronizing button was not removed after log in this because there was a store server which was also supporting transactions, so only call models synchronizing for a main server
- an error was thrown if logging in on localhost while localhost was not part of the server list, this because all the requests went to the defined servers, the error was that the SessionActive call did not support cross origin
- the organization field of the server orgs only allowed the *
Revision 2015-08-27 16:50 by mtaal
Description When testing multi-server behavior the following was noted:
- the synchronizing button was not removed after log in this because there was a store server which was also supporting transactions
- an error was thrown if logging in on localhost while localhost was not part of the server list, this because all the requests went to the defined servers
- the organization field of the server orgs only allowed the *

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