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View Revisions: Issue #30039 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0030039: Vendor Prepayment accounting could be improved for Payment Out remittances including a purchase order (same applies to sales)
Revision 2015-05-28 13:20 by psanjuan
Steps To Reproduce Install Remittance module and apply remittance dataset in F&B España organization.
All steps described below need to be done in F&B España.

Navigate to payment method window and create a new one with below setup:
Name = Payment Out remittance Multi-currency
Payment Out Allowed = Yes
Execution Type = Automatic
Execution Process = In Remittance
Deferred = Yes
Make payments in other currencies = Yes

Navigate to remittance type and create a new one with below setup:

Name = Payment Out Remittance
Payment Method = Payment Out remittance Multicurrency
Posting Allowed = Yes

Accounting tab:
F&B España - Settlement account (57200), Sent Account (40100)
F&B International - Settlement account (1110), Sent Account (1120)

Navigate to Business Partner window and create a new one with below setup:
Purchase Price List in USD
PO Payment Method = Payment Out Remittance Multicurrency
PO Payment Terms = 30 days
PO Financial Account = Cuenta de banco.

Go to Conversion rate window and make sure that below conversion rates are configured:
From 01-04-2015 to 30-06-2015 USD to EUR 1.36
From 01-07-2015 to 30-09-2015 USD to EUR 1.75

Go to purchase order window and create a new one (ie PO 30) for Vendor USA, dated on 28-05-2015, Product = Cerveza Ale 0.5L, for a total line net amount = 1000.00 USD
Book the order

Navigate to Remittance window and create a new one with below setup:
Remittance Type = Payment Out Remittance Multicurrency
Transaction Date = 28-05-2015
Expected Date = 30-07-2015
Name = Remesa PO USD

Click on Select Orders or Invoices. Once in that new window select "Orders" in the field "Document". Click on "Show payments for alternative currencies", select purchase order just created PO 130. Press Process.

Process and Post the remittance. Check below posting which is correct:

1000.00 (1410) Vendor Prepayment - Debit
1000.00 (1120) Funds in Transfer- Credit

1360.00 (40700) Anticipo proveedores - Debit
1360.00 (40100) Proveedores efectos - Credit

Go to Settle and Protest Remittances window, select "Remesa PO USD" remittance and Settle it dated on 30-07-2015.

Go to Remittance window, search by "Remesa PO USD", and navigate to Settled tab. Get that line post. Below posting will be shown:

Verify below accounting for F&B España Euros General Ledger:
1360.00 (40100) Proveedores efectos - Debit
1360.00 (57200) Banco - Credit

Verify below accounting for F&B International Group Dollar General Ledger
1000.00 (1120) Funds In transfer - Debit
1000.00 (1110) Check in - Credit

F&B España Euros General Ledger is NOT correct.

Go to Purchase Invoice window and create a new one dated on 30-07-2015 for Bebidas Alegres. Add lines by using "Create Lines From" process button. Select order 129 in our example.

Complete and post the Invocice.

"Verify below accounting for F&B España Euros General Ledger which is correct, regardless it can be improved as described in section "Proposed Solution".

1750.00 (60000) Compra de Mercaderias - Debit
1360.00 (40700) Anticipo a proveedores - Credit
390.00 (76800) Diferencias positivas de cambio - Credit

Verify below accounting for F&B International Group Dollar General Ledger
1000.00 (5360) Product Expense - Debit
1000.00 (1410) Vendor Prepayment - Credit
Revision 2015-05-28 13:04 by psanjuan
Steps To Reproduce Install Remittance module and apply remittance dataset in F&B España organization.
All steps described below need to be done in F&B España.

Navigate to payment method window and create a new one with below setup:
Name = Payment Out remittance Multi-currency
Payment Out Allowed = Yes
Execution Type = Automatic
Execution Process = In Remittance
Deferred = Yes
Make payments in other currencies = Yes

Navigate to remittance type and create a new one with below setup:

Name = Payment Out Remittance
Payment Method = Payment Out remittance Multicurrency
Posting Allowed = Yes

Accounting tab:
F&B España - Settlement account (57200), Sent Account (40100)
F&B International - Settlement account (1110), Sent Account (1120)

Navigate to Business Partner window and create a new one with below setup:
Purchase Price List in USD
PO Payment Method = Payment Out Remittance Multicurrency
PO Payment Terms = 30 days
PO Financial Account = Cuenta de banco.

Go to Conversion rate window and make sure that below conversion rates are configured:
From 01-04-2015 to 30-06-2015 USD to EUR 1.36
From 01-07-2015 to 30-09-2015 USD to EUR 1.75

Go to purchase order window and create a new one (ie PO 30) for Vendor USA, dated on 28-05-2015, Product = Cerveza Ale 0.5L, for a total line net amount = 1000.00 EUR
Book the order

Navigate to Remittance window and create a new one with below setup:
Remittance Type = Payment Out Remittance
Transaction Date = 28-05-2015
Expected Date = 30-07-2015
Name = Remesa PO

Click on Select Orders or Invoices. Once in that new window select "Orders" in the field "Document". Click on "Show payments for alternative payment methods" and select purchase order just created PO 129. Press Process.

Process and Post the remittance. Check below posting which is correct:

1210.00 (40700) Anticipo proveedores - Debit
1210.00 (40100) Proveedores efectos - Credit

889.71 (1410) Vendor Prepayment - Debit
889.71 (1120) Funds in Transfer- Credit

Go to Purchase Invoice window and create a new one dated on 30-07-2015 for Bebidas Alegres. Add lines by using "Create Lines From" process button. Select order 129 in our example.

Complete and post the Invocice.

Invoice posting would look like:

1000.00 (60000) Compra de mercaderías
210.00 (47200) HP IVA sop
1210.00 (40700) Anticipos a proveedores

Above posting is correct.

Realize that no amount is shown in the field "Prepayment Amount" in the purchase invoice and that is not correct.

Go back once again to the remittance, Unpost it and reactivate it.

After that, Process and Post it again.

This time posting would look like below, which is NOT correct.

889.71 (2110) Accounts Payable - Debit
889.71 (1120) Funds in Transfer - Credit

1210.00 (40000) Proveedores - Debit
1210.00 (40100) Proveedores efectos - Credit

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