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View Revisions: Issue #29601 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0029601: User with only write access to Remittance window can't run process Settle/Protest Remittance
Revision 2015-04-21 08:13 by rafaroda
Steps To Reproduce 1) Install the Remittance infrastructure module

2) Create a role with access only to:
* Remittance window, so he can edit it (Editable Field)
* Settle/Protest Remittance form
Add this role to an user.

3) Logged with the user and role in 2.

4) Create a new Remittance header and click on Select Payments: choose a payment to add a line and process this remittance.

5) Go to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can't find any remittance.

6) Once this is fixed, go again to Settle/Protest Remittance form and select the remittance in 4), choose an Accounting Date and click on Settle. Green message appears.

7) Go to Remittance 4 and see Settled tab: nothing there.

8) Come back to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can find again the Remittance 4). Select it again and choose an Accounting Date and click on Protest. Green message appears.

9) Go to Remittance 4 and see Protest tab: nothing there.
Revision 2015-04-16 12:17 by rafaroda
Steps To Reproduce 1) Install the Remittance infrastructure module

2) Create a role with access only to:
* Remittance window, so he can edit it (Editable Field)
* Settle/Protest Remittance form
Add this role to an user.

3) Logged with the user and role in 2.

4) Create a new Remittance header and click on Select Payments: choose a payment to add a line and process this remittance.

4b) Notice that when trying to use Select Orders or Invoices button in Remittance window it also fails and the popup window for selecting orders/invoices to be added as remittance lines does not open: to be fixed.

5) Go to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can't find any remittance.

6) Once this is fixed, go again to Settle/Protest Remittance form and select the remittance in 4), choose an Accounting Date and click on Settle. Green message appears.

7) Go to Remittance 4 and see Settled tab: nothing there.

8) Come back to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can find again the Remittance 4). Select it again and choose an Accounting Date and click on Protest. Green message appears.

9) Go to Remittance 4 and see Protest tab: nothing there.
Revision 2015-04-16 12:08 by rafaroda
Steps To Reproduce 1) Install the Remittance infrastructure module

2) Create a role with access only to:
* Remittance window, so he can edit it (Editable Field)
* Settle/Protest Remittance form
Add this role to an user.

3) Logged with the user and role in 2.

4) Create a new Remittance header and click on Select Payments: choose a payment to add a line and process this remittance.

4b) Notice that when trying to use Select Orders or Invoices button in Remittance window it also fails and the popup window for selecting orders/invoices to be added as remittance lines does not open: to be fixed.

5) Go to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can't find any remittance.

6) Once this is fixed, go again to Settle/Protest Remittance form and select the remittance in 4), choose an Accounting Date and click on Settle. Green message appears.

7) Go to Remittance 4 and see Settled tab: nothing there.

8) Come back to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can find again the Remittance 4). Select it again and choose an Accounting Date and click on Protest. Green message appears.

9) Go to Remittance 4 and see Protest tab: nothing there.

10) For this same reasons, you can't printout a Remittance and obtain the PDF: fix this also.
Revision 2015-04-15 17:38 by rafaroda
Steps To Reproduce 1) Install the Remittance infrastructure module

2) Create a role with access only to:
* Remittance window, so he can edit it (Editable Field)
* Settle/Protest Remittance form
Add this role to an user.

3) Logged with the user and role in 2.

4) Create a new Remittance header and click on Select Payments: choose a payment to add a line and process this remittance.

4b) Notice that when trying to use Select Orders or Invoices button in Remittance window it also fails and the popup window for selecting orders/invoices to be added as remittance lines does not open: to be fixed.

5) Go to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can't find any remittance.

6) Once this is fixed, go again to Settle/Protest Remittance form and select the remittance in 4), choose an Accounting Date and click on Settle. Green message appears.

7) Go to Remittance 4 and see Settled tab: nothing there.

8) Come back to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can find again the Remittance 4). Select it again and choose an Accounting Date and click on Protest. Green message appears.

9) Go to Remittance 4 and see Protest tab: nothing there.
Revision 2015-04-15 16:47 by rafaroda
Steps To Reproduce 1) Install the Remittance infrastructure module

2) Create a role with access only to:
* Remittance window, so he can edit it (Editable Field)
* Settle/Protest Remittance form
Add this role to an user.

3) Logged with the user and role in 2.

4) Create a new Remittance header and click on Select Payments: choose a payment to add a line and process this remittance.

5) Go to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can't find any remittance.

6) Once this is fixed, go again to Settle/Protest Remittance form and select the remittance in 4), choose an Accounting Date and click on Settle. Green message appears.

7) Go to Remittance 4 and see Settled tab: nothing there.

8) Come back to Settle/Protest Remittance form: you can find again the Remittance 4). Select it again and choose an Accounting Date and click on Protest. Green message appears.

9) Go to Remittance 4 and see Protest tab: nothing there.

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