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View Revisions: Issue #21706 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0021706: In some Windows versions, the deployed path exceeds the maximum length allowed
Revision 2012-09-21 10:03 by caristu
Description   In some Windows versions, the concatenation of the standard install path of Tomcat with the longest length of internal path (207) exceeds the limit (260), so after deploying the application some unexpected behaviour occurs like some images doesn't appear.

  For Example, for Windows Vista/7 versions, the default installation path for Tomcat is:
  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\" (61 characters)

  It would be appropriate to take two security characters (thinking in future Tomcat versions), so 61 + 2 = 63

  So, the context path will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\openbravo-erp\" (83 + 2 security characters)

  Then, 260 - 85 = 175. We have 175 characters left for the deploy path.

  The configuration should works for the standard installation paths, because if the user chooses a custom one, the configuration can exceed the limit anyway.
Revision 2012-09-21 10:01 by caristu
Description   In some Windows versions, the concatenation of the standard install path of Tomcat with the longest length of internal path (207) exceeds the limit (260), so after deploying the application some unexpected behaviour occurs like some images doesn't appear.

  For Example, for Windows Vista/7 versions, the default installation path for Tomcat is:
  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\" (61 characters)

  It would be appropriate to take two security characters (thinking in future Tomcat versions), so 61 + 2 = 63

  So, the context path will be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\openbravo-erp\" (83 + 2 security characters)

 Then, 260 - 85 = 175. We have 175 characters left for the deploy path.

 The configuration should works for the standard installation paths, because if the user chooses a custom one, the configuration can exceed the limit anyway.
Revision 2012-09-20 18:10 by caristu
Description In some windows versions, the concatenation of the standard install path of Tomcat with the longest length of internal path (207) exceeds the limit (260), so after deploying the application some unexpected behaviour occurs like some images doesn't appear.

For Example, for Spanish Windows version, the default installation path for Tomcat is:
  "C:\Archivos de programa\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0" (61 characters)

then, 61 + 207 = 268 > 260

The deployed path should works for the standard installation paths, because if the user chooses a custom one, the configuration can exceed the limit anyway.

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