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View Revisions: Issue #21405 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0021405: Costing Background process cannot be executed by a role with limited access
Revision 2012-08-21 10:50 by gorkaion
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a manual role and give access to the Process Request and Process Monitor windows and the Costing migration process.
2. Ensure that there are transactions pending to calculate, if there isn't any create a shipment/inventory/movement with any other role.
3. Schedule the Costing migration process to be run immediately. using the new role.
4. Check in the logs that it shows an error like
Revision 2012-08-21 10:46 by gorkaion
Steps To Reproduce 1. Create a manual role and give access to the Process Request and Process Monitor windows and the Costing migration process.
2. Ensure that there are transactions pending to calculate, if there isn't any create a shipment/inventory/movement with any other role.
3. Schedule the Costing migration process to be run immediately. using the new role.
4. Check in the Process Monitor that the log shows an error like:
''Entity MaterialMgmtMaterialTransaction is not writable by this user''

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