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View Revisions: Issue #21323 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0021323: Not possible to create an standard process: ignoreinwad default value in AD is 'Y'
Revision 2012-08-07 12:29 by mirurita
Steps To Reproduce 1) Create a new physical column in bb.dd for m_product table
alter table m_product add column create_invoice_plan character(1) DEFAULT 'Y';
2) Create the process
  - UI Pattern: Standard
  - Data Access Level: Client/Organization
  - Name: Create Invoice Plan
  - Process class: org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_process.CreateInvoicePlan
3) Add the column in the application dictionary and link to this process
4) Create the field related to the column (realize that the ignoreinwad property is set to 'Y'). It is not visible by the application, check in the database.

IMPORTANT: create the field manually, do not use the create fields from functionality

5) Compile and try to run the process.

You will get an error because the xml and html files are not generated.
Revision 2012-08-07 11:58 by mirurita
Steps To Reproduce 1) Create a new physical column in bb.dd for m_product table
alter table m_product add column create_invoice_plan character(1) DEFAULT 'Y';
2) Create the process
  - UI Pattern: Standard
  - Data Access Level: Client/Organization
  - Name: Create Invoice Plan
  - Process class: org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_process.CreateInvoicePlan
3) Add the column in the application dictionary and link to this process
4) Create the field related to the column (realize that the ignoreinwad property is set to 'Y'). It is not visible by the application, check in the database.
5) Compile and try to run the process.

You will get an error because the xml and html files are not generated.

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