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View Revisions: Issue #20262 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0020262: Post a reconciliation fails when exists a G/L Item+Invoice and posting is disabled for reconciliation
Revision 2012-05-17 18:09 by psarobe
Steps To Reproduce 1. Go to financial account
2. Create a transactions that contains a purchase invoice
3. Create a transaction that contains a G/L Item
4. Create a bankstatement (manually) that contains two lines similar to the above transactions
5. Matching both transactions
6. Reconcile and post. See attach reconciliation error

Revision 2012-05-17 18:09 by psarobe
Steps To Reproduce 1. Go to financial account
2. Create a transactions that contains a purchase invoice
3. Create a transaction that contains a G/L Item
4. Create a bankstatement (manually) that contains two lines similar to the above transactions
5. Matching both transactions
6. Reconcile and post. See attach

Revision 2012-05-17 18:02 by psarobe
Steps To Reproduce 1. Go to financial account
2. Create a transactions that contains a sales invoice
3. Create a transaction that contains a G/L Item

Note: Accounting for reconciliation must be disabled

4. Create a bankstatement (manually) that contains two lines similar to the above transactions
5. Matching both transactions
6. Reconcile and post

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