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View Revisions: Issue #55837 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0055837: Incorrect accumulated values ​​in CostAdjustmentUtils.getStockOnTransactionDat
Revision 2024-07-18 15:03 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce 1. Generate a purchase order and goods receipt with two lines of the same product and quantity. Price = 10, Qty = 1.
2. Calculate the cost so an average cost for each line is generated -> each transaction is calculated with cost = 10 and two average costs are calculated with cost = 10.
3. Generate the purchase invoice with different prices. Price = 50.
4. Execute the Price difference adjustment process. -> both transactions are updated with original cost = 10 and cost = 50 (this is correct), but average costs are updated with cost = 30 (first record) and cost = 36.67 (second record).
This is wrong, both average costs should be updated with cost = 50.
Revision 2024-07-10 10:52 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce 1. Generate a purchase order and goods receipt with several lines of the same product and quantity.
2. Calculate the cost so an average cost for each line is generated
3. Generate the purchase invoice with different prices.
4. Execute the Price difference adjustment process.
Revision 2024-07-05 08:49 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce This implies that the method will return the last average cost calculated for that timestamp, that is, that of the second transaction with the accumulated of the 2 transactions. If you are adjusting the first transaction, it will only take into account the amount adjusted in the first transaction, so it calculates a bad average cost.

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