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View Revisions: Issue #50152 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0050152: API changes due to the movement of the hardware manager communication API to mobile.core
Revision 2022-09-05 07:36 by caristu
Description The following API changes are introduced with the movement of the hardware manager communication API to mobile.core (0045785):

1) Changed the AD_PACKAGE_ID of these AD tables as they are now in mobile.core:

2) Moved the following AD messages from posterminal to mobile.core:

  - [OBPOS_SelectPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinterPair] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinterPair]
  - [OBPOS_MainPrinter] to [OBMOBC_MainPrinter]
  - [OBPOS_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation] to [OBMOBC_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation]
  - [OBPOS_SelectPDFPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPDFPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable] to
  - [OBMOBC_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable]
  - [OBPOS_HardwareManagerServer] to [OBMOBC_HardwareManagerServer]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinter] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinter]

3) Remove the following AD_Message "OBPOS_PrintWelcome" to use the existing "OBMOBC_PrintWelcome" instead

4) Due to the mentioned table movement we have the following changes in the java API

  - missing class org.openbravo.retail.posterminal.HardwareManager, now
  - missing class org.openbravo.retail.posterminal.PrintTemplate, now
  - missing class org.openbravo.retail.posterminal.PrintTemplateSubrep, now
  - method method org.openbravo.retail.posterminal.HardwareURL.getObposHardwaremng() does no longer return return org.openbravo.retail.posterminal.HardwareManager but
Revision 2022-09-05 07:29 by caristu
Description The following API changes are introduced with the movement of the hardware manager communication API to mobile.core (0045785):

1) Changed the AD_PACKAGE_ID of these AD tables as they are now in mobile.core:

2) Moved the following AD messages from posterminal to mobile.core:

  - [OBPOS_SelectPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinterPair] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinterPair]
  - [OBPOS_MainPrinter] to [OBMOBC_MainPrinter]
  - [OBPOS_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation] to [OBMOBC_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation]
  - [OBPOS_SelectPDFPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPDFPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable] to
  - [OBMOBC_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable]
  - [OBPOS_HardwareManagerServer] to [OBMOBC_HardwareManagerServer]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinter] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinter]

3) Remove the following AD_Message "OBPOS_PrintWelcome" to use the existing "OBMOBC_PrintWelcome" instead
Revision 2022-09-05 07:27 by caristu
Description The following API changes are introduced with the movement of the hardware manager communication API to mobile.core (0045785):

1) Changed the AD_PACKAGE_ID of these AD tables as they are now in mobile.core:
2) Moved the following AD messages from posterminal to mobile.core:

  - [OBPOS_SelectPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinterPair] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinterPair]
  - [OBPOS_MainPrinter] to [OBMOBC_MainPrinter]
  - [OBPOS_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation] to [OBMOBC_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation]
  - [OBPOS_SelectPDFPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPDFPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable] to
  - [OBMOBC_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable]
  - [OBPOS_HardwareManagerServer] to [OBMOBC_HardwareManagerServer]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinter] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinter]
Revision 2022-09-05 07:21 by caristu
Description The following API changes are introduced with the movement of the hardware manager communication API to mobile.core (0045785):

1) Moved the following AD messages from posterminal to mobile.core:

  - [OBPOS_SelectPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_WebPrinterPair] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinterPair]
  - [OBPOS_MainPrinter] to [OBMOBC_MainPrinter]
  - [OBPOS_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation] to [OBMOBC_OpenHardwareURLConfirmation]
  - [OBPOS_SelectPDFPrintersTitle] to [OBMOBC_SelectPDFPrintersTitle]
  - [OBPOS_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable] to
  - [OBMOBC_MsgHardwareServerNotAvailable]
  - [OBPOS_HardwareManagerServer] to [OBMOBC_HardwareManagerServer]
[OBPOS_WebPrinter] to [OBMOBC_WebPrinter]

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