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View Revisions: Issue #40680 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0040680: Remove unsed methods in AdvPaymentMngtDao, TransactionsDao, MatchTransactionDao classes.
Revision 2019-06-11 11:22 by AtulOpenbravo
Description Below is the list of several methods in classes that are no used.
01. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getReconciliationDetailReport
02. AdvPaymentMngtDao.isPaymentMadeStatus
03. AdvPaymentMngtDao.createAPRMReadyPreference
04. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getCustomerPaymentsWithUsedCredit
05. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getReconciliationSummaryReport
06. MatchTransactionDao.getClearedLinesAmount
07. MatchTransactionDao.checkAllLinesCleared
08. MatchTransactionDao.getLastReconciliationUnmatchedBalance

Verification should be done whether they are not used in external modules.
Revision 2019-06-11 11:14 by AtulOpenbravo
Description Below is the list of several methods in classes that are no used.
01. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getReconciliationDetailReport
02. AdvPaymentMngtDao.isPaymentMadeStatus
03. AdvPaymentMngtDao.createAPRMReadyPreference
04. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getCustomerPaymentsWithUsedCredit
05. AdvPaymentMngtDao.getReconciliationSummaryReport
07. TransactionsDao.getTransactionsToReconciled
08. MatchTransactionDao.getClearedLinesAmount
09. MatchTransactionDao.checkAllLinesCleared
10. MatchTransactionDao.getLastReconciliationUnmatchedBalance

Verification should be done whether they are not used in external modules.

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