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View Revisions: Issue #12834 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0012834: Callout for amount calculation does not work if we change the organization
Revision 2010-03-29 16:32 by psarobe
Description Create and complete sales invoice for org "Pamplona". then change the org to "Chennai". Create a new record in header. Go to lines . Create a new record and select the product. You can see only price details are filled up. The amount and tax are not filled up.

To reproduce the issue the organization of Chenai must not have address
Revision 2010-03-29 13:28 by psarobe
Description Create and complete sales invoice for org "Pamplona". then change the org to "Chennai". Create a new record in header. Go to lines . Create a new record and select the product. You can see only price details are filled up. The amount and tax are not filled up.

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