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View Revisions: Issue #34593 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0034593: [UX] Pay button text should be adapted to the button width
Revision 2016-11-22 13:51 by dbaz
Description Pay button text should be adapted to the button width.

Right now, due to the liquid layout of the WebPOS, the pay button can have different widths. Also, the amount to pay can have an undefined number of digits.

The idea is that this button text decrease its font-size if the text (the amount) cannot be in a single line.

The maximum font-size of this button should be the current font-size, that is 30px.

If the font-size would need to be below 16px, it means that the text is not readable enough anymore, so the whole number should be changed by a 'shopping cart' image.

Also, the margin of the text of this button is set as "0px 5px 0px 0px" and it should be "0px 5px 0px 5px"
Revision 2016-11-22 12:39 by dbaz
Description Pay button text should be adapted to the button width.

Right now, due to the liquid layout of the WebPOS, the pay button can have different widths. Also, the amount to pay can have an undefined number of digits.

The idea is that this button text decrease its font-size if the text (the amount) cannot be in a single line.

The maximum font-size of this button should be the current font-size, that is 30px.

Also, the margin of the text of this button is set as "0px 5px 0px 0px" and it should be "0px 5px 0px 5px"
Revision 2016-11-22 12:37 by dbaz
Description Pay button text should be adapted to the button width.

Right now, due to the liquid layout of the WebPOS, the pay button can have different widths. Also, the amount to pay can have an undefined number of digits.

The idea is that this button text decrease its font-size if the text (the amount) cannot be in a single line.

PS: The maximum font-size of this button should be the current font-size, that is 30px

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