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View Revisions: Issue #33129 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0033129: unneeded object initialization for DAL insertion
Revision 2016-06-03 11:20 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 0. Copy the following code somewhere executable (ie. in

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      AlertRule newAlert = OBProvider.getInstance().get(AlertRule.class);

1. set HQL to bebug
2. Execute it and check the log

9169004 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select ... from AD_Client adclient0_ where adclient0_.AD_Client_ID=?

9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select ... from AD_Language adlanguage0_ where adlanguage0_.AD_Language=?

9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select ... from AD_Org organizati0_ where organizati0_.AD_Org_ID=?

9169006 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select ... from AD_User aduser0_ where aduser0_.AD_User_ID 
in (?, ?)

9172172 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule ...

First 4 queries are unnecessary, they are executed to instantiate client, org and user DAL objects.

Revision 2016-06-03 11:16 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 0. Copy the following code somewhere executable (ie. in
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      AlertRule newAlert = OBProvider.getInstance().get(AlertRule.class);

1. set HQL to bebug
2. Execute it and check the log
9169004 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select adclient0_.AD_Client_ID as AD1_30_0_, adclient0_.AD_Org_ID as AD2_30_0_, adclient0_.IsActive as IsActive30_0_, adclient0_.Created as Created30_0_, adclient0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy30_0_, adclient0_.Updated as Updated30_0_, adclient0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy30_0_, adclient0_.Value as Value30_0_, adclient0_.Name as Name30_0_, adclient0_.Description as Descrip10_30_0_, adclient0_.SMTPHost as SMTPHost30_0_, adclient0_.RequestEMail as Request12_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestUser as Request13_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestUserPW as Request14_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestFolder as Request15_30_0_, adclient0_.AD_Language as AD16_30_0_, adclient0_.IsMultiLingualDocument as IsMulti17_30_0_, adclient0_.IsSmtpAuthorization as IsSmtpA18_30_0_, adclient0_.C_Currency_ID as C19_30_0_, adclient0_.Acctdim_Centrally_Maintained as Acctdim20_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Isenable as Project21_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Header as Project22_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Lines as Project23_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Breakdown as Project24_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Isenable as Bpartner25_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Header as Bpartner26_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Lines as Bpartner27_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Breakdown as Bpartner28_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Isenable as Product29_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Header as Product30_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Lines as Product31_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Breakdown as Product32_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Header as Costcenter33_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Lines as Costcenter34_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Breakdown as Costcenter35_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Isenable as User36_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Header as User37_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Lines as User38_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Breakdown as User39_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Isenable as User40_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Header as User41_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Lines as User42_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Breakdown as User43_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Isenable as Costcenter44_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Isenable as Org45_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Header as Org46_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Lines as Org47_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Breakdown as Org48_30_0_, adclient0_.DaysToPasswordExpiration as DaysToP49_30_0_ from AD_Client adclient0_ where adclient0_.AD_Client_ID=?
9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select adlanguage0_.AD_Language_ID as AD1_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Language as AD2_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Client_ID as AD3_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Org_ID as AD4_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsActive as IsActive54_0_, adlanguage0_.Created as Created54_0_, adlanguage0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy54_0_, adlanguage0_.Updated as Updated54_0_, adlanguage0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy54_0_, adlanguage0_.Name as Name54_0_, adlanguage0_.LanguageISO as Languag11_54_0_, adlanguage0_.CountryCode as Country12_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsBaseLanguage as IsBaseL13_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsSystemLanguage as IsSyste14_54_0_, adlanguage0_.Processing as Processing54_0_, adlanguage0_.Pixelsize as Pixelsize54_0_, adlanguage0_.Translatedby as Transla17_54_0_, adlanguage0_.Isrtl as Isrtl54_0_ from AD_Language adlanguage0_ where adlanguage0_.AD_Language=?
9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select organizati0_.AD_Org_ID as AD1_482_0_, organizati0_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_482_0_, organizati0_.IsActive as IsActive482_0_, organizati0_.Created as Created482_0_, organizati0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy482_0_, organizati0_.Updated as Updated482_0_, organizati0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy482_0_, organizati0_.Value as Value482_0_, organizati0_.Name as Name482_0_, organizati0_.Description as Descrip10_482_0_, organizati0_.IsSummary as IsSummary482_0_, organizati0_.AD_Orgtype_ID as AD12_482_0_, organizati0_.IsPeriodControlAllowed as IsPerio13_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Calendar_ID as C14_482_0_, organizati0_.IsReady as IsReady482_0_, organizati0_.Social_Name as Social16_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Currency_ID as C17_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Acctschema_ID as C18_482_0_ from AD_Org organizati0_ where organizati0_.AD_Org_ID=?
9169006 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select aduser0_.AD_User_ID as AD1_108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_108_0_, aduser0_.IsActive as IsActive108_0_, aduser0_.Created as Created108_0_, aduser0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy108_0_, aduser0_.Updated as Updated108_0_, aduser0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy108_0_, aduser0_.Name as Name108_0_, aduser0_.Description as Descrip10_108_0_, aduser0_.Password as Password108_0_, aduser0_.Email as Email108_0_, aduser0_.Supervisor_ID as Supervisor13_108_0_, aduser0_.C_BPartner_ID as C14_108_0_, aduser0_.Processing as Processing108_0_, aduser0_.EmailUser as EmailUser108_0_, aduser0_.EmailUserPW as EmailUs17_108_0_, aduser0_.C_BPartner_Location_ID as C18_108_0_, aduser0_.C_Greeting_ID as C19_108_0_, aduser0_.Title as Title108_0_, aduser0_.Comments as Comments108_0_, aduser0_.Phone as Phone108_0_, aduser0_.Phone2 as Phone23_108_0_, aduser0_.Fax as Fax108_0_, aduser0_.LastContact as LastCon25_108_0_, aduser0_.LastResult as LastResult108_0_, aduser0_.Birthday as Birthday108_0_, aduser0_.AD_OrgTrx_ID as AD28_108_0_, aduser0_.Firstname as Firstname108_0_, aduser0_.Lastname as Lastname108_0_, aduser0_.UserName as UserName108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Client_ID as Default32_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Language as Default33_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Org_ID as Default34_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Role_ID as Default35_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_M_Warehouse_ID as Default36_108_0_, aduser0_.IsLocked as IsLocked108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Image_ID as AD38_108_0_, aduser0_.Grant_Portal_Access as Grant39_108_0_, aduser0_.LastPasswordUpdate as LastPas40_108_0_, aduser0_.Isexpiredpassword as Isexpir41_108_0_ from AD_User aduser0_ where aduser0_.AD_User_ID in (?, ?)

9172172 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Revision 2016-06-03 11:14 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 0. Copy the following code somewhere executable (ie. in
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      AlertRule newAlert = OBProvider.getInstance().get(AlertRule.class);
1. set HQL to bebug
2. Execute it and check the log
9169004 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select adclient0_.AD_Client_ID as AD1_30_0_, adclient0_.AD_Org_ID as AD2_30_0_, adclient0_.IsActive as IsActive30_0_, adclient0_.Created as Created30_0_, adclient0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy30_0_, adclient0_.Updated as Updated30_0_, adclient0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy30_0_, adclient0_.Value as Value30_0_, adclient0_.Name as Name30_0_, adclient0_.Description as Descrip10_30_0_, adclient0_.SMTPHost as SMTPHost30_0_, adclient0_.RequestEMail as Request12_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestUser as Request13_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestUserPW as Request14_30_0_, adclient0_.RequestFolder as Request15_30_0_, adclient0_.AD_Language as AD16_30_0_, adclient0_.IsMultiLingualDocument as IsMulti17_30_0_, adclient0_.IsSmtpAuthorization as IsSmtpA18_30_0_, adclient0_.C_Currency_ID as C19_30_0_, adclient0_.Acctdim_Centrally_Maintained as Acctdim20_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Isenable as Project21_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Header as Project22_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Lines as Project23_30_0_, adclient0_.Project_Acctdim_Breakdown as Project24_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Isenable as Bpartner25_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Header as Bpartner26_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Lines as Bpartner27_30_0_, adclient0_.Bpartner_Acctdim_Breakdown as Bpartner28_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Isenable as Product29_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Header as Product30_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Lines as Product31_30_0_, adclient0_.Product_Acctdim_Breakdown as Product32_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Header as Costcenter33_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Lines as Costcenter34_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Breakdown as Costcenter35_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Isenable as User36_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Header as User37_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Lines as User38_30_0_, adclient0_.User1_Acctdim_Breakdown as User39_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Isenable as User40_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Header as User41_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Lines as User42_30_0_, adclient0_.User2_Acctdim_Breakdown as User43_30_0_, adclient0_.Costcenter_Acctdim_Isenable as Costcenter44_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Isenable as Org45_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Header as Org46_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Lines as Org47_30_0_, adclient0_.Org_Acctdim_Breakdown as Org48_30_0_, adclient0_.DaysToPasswordExpiration as DaysToP49_30_0_ from AD_Client adclient0_ where adclient0_.AD_Client_ID=?
9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select adlanguage0_.AD_Language_ID as AD1_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Language as AD2_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Client_ID as AD3_54_0_, adlanguage0_.AD_Org_ID as AD4_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsActive as IsActive54_0_, adlanguage0_.Created as Created54_0_, adlanguage0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy54_0_, adlanguage0_.Updated as Updated54_0_, adlanguage0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy54_0_, adlanguage0_.Name as Name54_0_, adlanguage0_.LanguageISO as Languag11_54_0_, adlanguage0_.CountryCode as Country12_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsBaseLanguage as IsBaseL13_54_0_, adlanguage0_.IsSystemLanguage as IsSyste14_54_0_, adlanguage0_.Processing as Processing54_0_, adlanguage0_.Pixelsize as Pixelsize54_0_, adlanguage0_.Translatedby as Transla17_54_0_, adlanguage0_.Isrtl as Isrtl54_0_ from AD_Language adlanguage0_ where adlanguage0_.AD_Language=?
9169005 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select organizati0_.AD_Org_ID as AD1_482_0_, organizati0_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_482_0_, organizati0_.IsActive as IsActive482_0_, organizati0_.Created as Created482_0_, organizati0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy482_0_, organizati0_.Updated as Updated482_0_, organizati0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy482_0_, organizati0_.Value as Value482_0_, organizati0_.Name as Name482_0_, organizati0_.Description as Descrip10_482_0_, organizati0_.IsSummary as IsSummary482_0_, organizati0_.AD_Orgtype_ID as AD12_482_0_, organizati0_.IsPeriodControlAllowed as IsPerio13_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Calendar_ID as C14_482_0_, organizati0_.IsReady as IsReady482_0_, organizati0_.Social_Name as Social16_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Currency_ID as C17_482_0_, organizati0_.C_Acctschema_ID as C18_482_0_ from AD_Org organizati0_ where organizati0_.AD_Org_ID=?
9169006 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select aduser0_.AD_User_ID as AD1_108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_108_0_, aduser0_.IsActive as IsActive108_0_, aduser0_.Created as Created108_0_, aduser0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy108_0_, aduser0_.Updated as Updated108_0_, aduser0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy108_0_, aduser0_.Name as Name108_0_, aduser0_.Description as Descrip10_108_0_, aduser0_.Password as Password108_0_, aduser0_.Email as Email108_0_, aduser0_.Supervisor_ID as Supervisor13_108_0_, aduser0_.C_BPartner_ID as C14_108_0_, aduser0_.Processing as Processing108_0_, aduser0_.EmailUser as EmailUser108_0_, aduser0_.EmailUserPW as EmailUs17_108_0_, aduser0_.C_BPartner_Location_ID as C18_108_0_, aduser0_.C_Greeting_ID as C19_108_0_, aduser0_.Title as Title108_0_, aduser0_.Comments as Comments108_0_, aduser0_.Phone as Phone108_0_, aduser0_.Phone2 as Phone23_108_0_, aduser0_.Fax as Fax108_0_, aduser0_.LastContact as LastCon25_108_0_, aduser0_.LastResult as LastResult108_0_, aduser0_.Birthday as Birthday108_0_, aduser0_.AD_OrgTrx_ID as AD28_108_0_, aduser0_.Firstname as Firstname108_0_, aduser0_.Lastname as Lastname108_0_, aduser0_.UserName as UserName108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Client_ID as Default32_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Language as Default33_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Org_ID as Default34_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_Ad_Role_ID as Default35_108_0_, aduser0_.Default_M_Warehouse_ID as Default36_108_0_, aduser0_.IsLocked as IsLocked108_0_, aduser0_.AD_Image_ID as AD38_108_0_, aduser0_.Grant_Portal_Access as Grant39_108_0_, aduser0_.LastPasswordUpdate as LastPas40_108_0_, aduser0_.Isexpiredpassword as Isexpir41_108_0_ from AD_User aduser0_ where aduser0_.AD_User_ID in (?, ?)

9172172 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
9172173 [http-8080-3] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into AD_AlertRule (AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, Createdby, Updated, Updatedby, Name, Type, AD_AlertRule_ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

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