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View Revisions: Issue #33068 All Revisions ] Back to Issue ]
Summary 0033068: [SERQA 1182] Layaway: The system changes the customer name without reasons
Revision 2016-05-30 11:58 by Orekaria
Steps To Reproduce Steps to reproduce:
( [^] [^] [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, Click on "Layaway this receipt"
- Assign Carl Studsen as the customer
- Add article: Search - Click on a product (eg: Adhesive body warmers)
- In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with the business name "VBS Customer"
- Confirm the return ticket (selecting the articles - Apply)
- An error is shown "You cannot layaway a sale with returns"
- INCORRECT: the layaway has changed the business partner to VBS Customer (instead of Carl Studsen)
Revision 2016-05-30 11:45 by Orekaria
Steps To Reproduce A)
Steps to reproduce:
( [^] [^] [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, Click on "Layaway this receipt"
- Assign Carl Studsen as the customer
- Add article: Search - Click on a product (eg: Adhesive body warmers)
- In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with a different customer name (eg: VBS Customer)
- Confirm the return ticket (selecting the articles - Apply)

Result (error): The customer of the original SO has been modified (VBS instead of Carl Studsen)

Steps to reproduce:
( [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, create layaway;
- Assign customer
 - Add articles
 - In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with a different customer name

Current result
A message is displayed informing the user that he can book a sale with a reservation.
Customer name assigned to the command changes and replaced with the customer name of the return ticket .

Expected result :

The name assigned to the command should not change
Revision 2016-05-30 11:45 by Orekaria
Steps To Reproduce A)
Steps to reproduce:
( [^] [^] [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, Click on "Layaway this receipt"
- Assign Carl Studsen as the customer
- Add article: Search - Click on a product (eg: Adhesive body warmers)
- In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with a different customer name (eg: VBS Customer)
- Confirm the return ticket (selecting the articles - Apply)

Result (error): The customer of the original SO has been modified (VBS instead of Carl Studsen)

Steps to reproduce:
( [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, create layaway;
- Assign customer
 - Add articles
 - In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with a different customer name

Current result
A message is displayed informing the user that he can book a sale with a reservation.
Customer name assigned to the command changes and replaced with the customer name of the return ticket .

Expected result :

The name assigned to the command should not change
Revision 2016-05-30 11:02 by Orekaria
Steps To Reproduce Steps to reproduce:
( [^] - User Villablanca)
- In the menu, create layaway;
- Assign customer
 - Add articles
 - In the menu, click on verified return
- Select an order with a different customer name

Current result
A message is displayed informing the user that he can book a sale with a reservation.
Customer name assigned to the command changes and replaced with the customer name of the return ticket .

Expected result :

The name assigned to the command should not change

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