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View Revisions: Issue #51377 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0051377: A transaction is created as not processed, when there is a difference in the Reconcile process
Revision 2023-01-16 13:17 by ngarcia
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Go to Bank - Account 2 financial account
   Check Matching Algorithm field is empty
   Fill the GL Item Difference field
   Create a transaction and process it
   Click on Reconcile
   Select the previously created transaction
   Set an Ending Balance higher than the transaction amount+the beginning balance (in order to have a value different from 0 in the GL Item Differences field)
   Check a transaction with the difference is created and included in the reconciliation (fin_reconciliation_id is filled) but is it unprocessed (Processed = 'N'). Its status is also wrong and the withdrawal amount appears negative. It should be set in the Deposit Amount, right?
Revision 2023-01-16 13:10 by ngarcia
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Go to Bank - Account 2 financial account
   Check Matching Algorithm field is empty
   Fill the GL Item Difference field
   Create a transaction and process it
   Click on Reconcile
   Select the previously created transaction
   Set an Ending Balance higher than the transaction amount+the beginning balance (in order to have a value different from 0 in the GL Item Differences field)
   Check a transaction with the difference is created and included in the reconciliation (fin_reconciliation_id is filled) but is it unprocessed (Processed = 'N')

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