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View Revisions: Issue #40959 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0040959: While creating a reservation, it is different the info shown in grid and in form view.
Revision 2019-05-28 16:29 by caristu
Steps To Reproduce 0. Install Resource and Reservation Management module (org.openbravo.module.resources)

Alternative 1:
1. Create a new Resource with Water as Product Category
2. As F&B admin create a Sales Order header, in org F&B España - Región Norte
3. Add a new line with Agua sin gas as product
4. Create a new Reservation for that line and check that the "Start Time" and "End Time" fields show different information in grid and form.

Alternative 2:
1. Create a new Resource "bookable online"
2. Using the "Resources and Reservations" calendar create and book a new reservation
3. Go to the [Sales Order] window, select a line of the newly created order, switch into the "Reservation" subtab to see that the "Start Time" and "End Time" fields show different information in grid and form.
Revision 2019-05-28 16:29 by caristu
Description When you create a reservation, in the date it is shown the date and the hour exactly in grid view, not working like that while viewing in form view (See attached images).
Revision 2019-05-28 12:36 by caristu
Steps To Reproduce 1. Install Resource and Reservation Management module (org.openbravo.module.resources)
2. Create a new Resource with Water as Product Category
3. As F&B admin create a Sales Order header, in org F&B España - Región Norte
4. Add a new line with Agua sin gas as product
5. Create a new Reservation for that line
Revision 2019-05-28 12:36 by caristu
Description When you create a reservation, in the date it is shown the date and the hour exactly in grid view, not working like that while viewing in form view.

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