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View Revisions: Issue #40022 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0040022: [AWOFE] When a task is confirmed the rest of tasks in the list are refreshed losing changes done on other tasks
Revision 2019-01-24 16:47 by guilleaer
Description When a task is confirmed, the list of tasks is refreshed. If the user have modified other tasks he will loose these changes
Revision 2019-01-24 16:46 by guilleaer
Steps To Reproduce Using live builds [^]
Login using AWO_US_W/openbravo
Open Menu / assign
Search for orange
select picking task and press OK (green button)
Open Menu / assign
Search for banana
Select picking task and press OK (green button)
In AWo frontend user should have 2 tasks (orange and banana)
Select banana line and change quantity from 12 to 10
Select orange task and confirm it

List is refreshed:
- Orange has gone -> OK, it is confirmed
- Banana's confirmed quantity is 12 (previously we have changed it to 10) -> Problem
Revision 2019-01-24 16:46 by guilleaer
Description When a task is confirmed, the list of tasks are refreshed. If the user have modified other tasks he will loose these changes
Revision 2019-01-24 09:57 by guilleaer
Steps To Reproduce Go to Sales Order window in Backoffice
Create an order and add one line (for example Ale beeer x2) and book it
Create another one for the same product
Go to Sales Order Lines Picking, select both orders and click don
Assign them to a user in Sales Order window, task tab
Go to AWO frontend and scann
If one task is confirmed, the other(s) will be restarted to the default value (3 in the video) and it will be necessary to scan again
Revision 2019-01-24 09:57 by guilleaer
Description If there are some tasks of the same product, after scanning and confirming one, the others will be restarted to the default value

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