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View Revisions: Issue #38003 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0038003: Incorrect data adding a sales order line to a goods shipment if the AUM feature is activated after the order was created
Revision 2018-02-26 19:44 by markmm82
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Create a Sales Order, add a product and book it

As System admin role:
   Set 'Enable UOM Management' preference to Y

As group admin role:
   Go to the Product window and select the product used in the Purchase Order previously created.
   Create an AUM between the uom of the product and for instance Kilogram unit with conversion rate = 10

   Create a Goods Shipment header
   Click Create Lines From process and select the previously created order
     Notice the AUM and AUM quantities are the same which is incorrect because should be Kilogram instead of Unit the AUM, also the Alternative Qty must be 1 as it represents 10 units of the base unit.
       Alternative UOM = Unit
       Operative Quantity = 10
       Movement Quantity = 10
       UOM = Unit.
   Press done and notice that Operative Quantity and Alternative UOM are empty and it is wrong.
   The copied line should have the following values:
       Alternative UOM = Kilogram
       Operative Quantity = 1
       Movement Quantity = 10
       UOM = Unit.

Issue is also reproducible if there are not AUMs defined.

Should be fixed for the Sales Invoice workflows too.
Revision 2018-02-26 19:42 by markmm82
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Create a Sales Order, add a product and book it

As System admin role:
   Set 'Enable UOM Management' preference to Y

As group admin role:
   Go to the Product window and select the product used in the Purchase Order previously created.
   Create an AUM between the uom of the product and for instance Kilogram unit with conversion rate = 10

   Create a Goods Shipment header
   Click Create Lines From process and select the previously created order
     Notice the AUM and AUM quantities are the same which is incorrect because should be Kilogram instead of Unit the AUM, also the Alternative Qty must be 1 as it represents 10 units of the base unit.
       Alternative UOM = Unit
       Operative Quantity = 10
       Movement Quantity = 10
       UOM = Unit.
   Press done and notice that Operative Quantity and Alternative UOM are empty and it is wrong.
   The copied line should have the following values:
       Alternative UOM = Kilogram
       Operative Quantity = 1
       Movement Quantity = 10
       UOM = Unit.

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