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View Revisions: Issue #36621 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0036621: It is possible to use UOM conversions of other clients in some callouts.
Revision 2017-08-07 15:43 by markmm82
Steps To Reproduce Login as System Admin Role
- Mark as displayed = Yes fields
  - Sales Invoice Lines: Order Quantity, Order Uom
  - Purchase Invoice Lines: Order Quantity, Order Uom
- Enable tabs related with Second UOM
  - Product Window | UOM tab
  - Unit of Measure | Conversion Tab
- Log Out and Login as QA Testing Admin.
- Create a new Product QA Product.
- Assign 2nd UOM Kilogram to previously created product (QA Product) in the UOM Tab
- Create a Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the QA Product
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that message is shown as
     No UOM Conversion Rate between UOMs found"
- Cancel Sales Invoice Line
- Navigate to Kilogram Unit of Measure and add conversion as
    - To Uom : Unit
      Multiple Rate by: 10
- Go to back to previous Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the QA Product.
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that no message is shown and Invoiced Quantity is set as 100

- Log Out and Login as F&B Group Admin.
- Create a new Product FB Product.
- Assign 2nd UOM Kilogram to previously created product (FB Product) in the UOM Tab
- Go to Unit of Measure window and select Kilogram unit. Realize there are not conversions defined to it.
- Go to Unit of Measure window and select Unit. Notice there are not conversions defined to it.
- Create a Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the FB Product
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that no message is shown and Invoiced Quantity is set as 100. Although there are not conversions defined between Unit and Kilogram it is using the conversion defined in QA client. An informative message should be shown as
     No UOM Conversion Rate between UOMs found"
- Cancel Sales Invoice Line
- Navigate to Kilogram Unit of Measure and add conversion as
    - To Uom : Unit
      Multiple Rate by: 20
- Go to back to previous Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the Test Product.
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that no message is shown and Invoiced Quantity is set as 200. Now it is using the right conversion rate.

- Log Out and Login as QA Testing Admin again. Now different conversions are defined for the same units in QA and F&B clients.
- Navigate to Kilogram Unit of Measure and realize exists the previously created conversion to Unit as
    - To Uom : Unit
      Multiple Rate by: 10
- Create a Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the QA Product
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that no message is shown and Invoiced Quantity is set as 200.
  Notice that it is used Multiply Rate = 20, that it is defined in the F&B client. It is wrong and should be used the defined for the QA client with rate = 10.
Revision 2017-08-07 15:20 by markmm82
Steps To Reproduce Login as System Admin Role
- Mark as displayed = Yes fields
  - Sales Invoice Lines: Order Quantity, Order Uom
  - Purchase Invoice Lines: Order Quantity, Order Uom
- Enable tabs related with Second UOM
  - Product Window | UOM tab
  - Unit of Measure | Conversion Tab
- Log Out and Login as QA Testing Admin.
- Create a new Product Test Product.
- Assign 2nd UOM Kilogram to previously created product (Test Product) in the UOM Tab
- Create a Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the Test Product
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that message is shown as
     No UOM Conversion Rate between UOMs found"
- Cancel Sales Invoice Line
- Navigate to Kilogram Unit of Measure and add conversion as
    - To Uom : Unit
      Multiple Rate by: 10
- Go to back to previous Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the Test Product.
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
- Realize that no message is shown and Invoiced Quantity is set as 100

- Log Out and Login as F&B Group Admin.
- Create a new Product Test Product 2.
- Assign 2nd UOM Kilogram to previously created product (Test Product 2) in the UOM Tab
- Create a Sales Invoice
- Add a line and select the Test Product 2
- Select Kilogram in Order Uom and enter Order Quantity as 10
Revision 2017-08-07 15:20 by markmm82
Description It is possible to use UOM conversions of other clients in some callouts.

UOM conversions can be defined with different rates according the client using them. For instance, for a client one Bag can be defined as 100 Kg, but to other client one Bag could be 100.25 Kg.

Currently, some callouts are using the multiplyRate and divideRate of SL_Invoice_Conversion_data.xsql, these methods are not taking into account the session's client and it is causing that can be used incorrect conversions.

It is necessary to filter by client when searching for UOM conversions to avoid use an incorrect conversion.
You will find this bug in the following callouts:
- SL_CreateFromMultiple_Conversion
- SL_CreateLines_Conversion_UOM
- SL_GlobalUse_Conversion
- SL_InOut_Conversion
- SL_Internal_Consumption_Conversion
- SL_Inventory_Conversion
- SL_Invoice_Conversion
- SL_Movement_Conversion
- SL_Order_Conversion
- SL_Production_Conversion
- SL_SequenceProduct_Conversion
Revision 2017-08-07 15:08 by markmm82
Description It is possible to use UOM conversions of other clients in some callouts.

UOM conversions can be defined with different rates according the client using them. For instance, for a client one Bag can be defined as 100 Kg, but to other client one Bag could be 100.25 Kg.

Currently, some callouts are using the multiplyRate and divideRate of SL_Invoice_Conversion_data.xsql, these methods are not taking into account the session's client and it is causing that can be used incorrect conversions.

It is necessary to filter by client when searching for UOM conversions to avoid use an incorrect conversion.

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