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View Revisions: Issue #33777 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0033777: while adding contact information for the product,new button, search & filter option not working for customer
Revision 2016-09-20 06:41 by sureshbabu
Steps To Reproduce Test case id for reference is : [CIPb020] Create a receipt with a product that requires contact info making split line




1. Log into Web POS
2. Create a new receipt and assign the customer Actarus Jean Claude
3. Add the product 2080A29C75E230ECE0530100007FA002-DP-TV 1
4. Add the information required
*Description: add a description
*Purpose of use: select an option of the list
*Customer: leave it as the one of the receipt, Actarus Jean Claude
*Address: create a new one
5. Press the button Apply and continue
6. Add 3 units of this product
7. Click on the TV receipt line and click split in order to have 3 lines of one unit each
8. Click on the first line and click on the button Contact info product, after checking the information close the pop up
9. Click on the second TV line and click on the button contact info for product
10. "Item declaration" popup appears, click on the Customer button
11. "Assign a customer" popup appears,
12. In the popup, click on Create a new customer button

Actual : There is no response, and user not able to create a new customer
Revision 2016-09-20 06:40 by sureshbabu
Steps To Reproduce Test case id for reference is : [CIPb020] Create a receipt with a product that requires contact info making split line




1. Log into Web POS
2. Create a new receipt and assign the customer Actarus Jean Claude
3. Add the product 2080A29C75E230ECE0530100007FA002-DP-TV 1
4. Add the information required
*Description: add a description
*Purpose of use: select an option of the list
*Customer: leave it as the one of the receipt, Actarus Jean Claude
*Address: create a new one
5. Press the button Apply and continue
6. Add 3 units of this product
7. Click on the TV receipt line and click split in order to have 3 lines of one unit each
8. Click on the first line and click on the button Contact info product, after checking the information close the pop up
9. Click on the second TV line and click on the button contact info for product
10. In the pop up shown, called Item declaration, click on the Customer button
11. "Assign a customer" popup appears,
12. In the popup, click on Create a new customer button

Actual : There is no response, and user not able to create a new customer

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