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Summary 0033588: Datasource Request done having a summary function with lazy filtering enabled
Revision 2016-08-05 07:54 by caristu
Description Several datasource requests are done having a summary function with lazy filtering enabled in different cases:

a) When opening a tab with a grid that contains a summary function.

b) After saving a new record.

c) After updating an existing record.

d) After deleting a record.

e) After selecting a summary function.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.
Revision 2016-08-04 08:01 by caristu
Description Several datasource requests are done having a summary function with lazy filtering enabled in different cases:

a) A request to the datasource is fired if we open a tab with a grid that contains a summary function.

b) After saving a new record.

c) After updating an existing record.

d) After deleting a record.

e) After selecting a summary function.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.
Revision 2016-08-03 15:12 by caristu
Description Several datasource requests are done having a summary function with lazy filtering enabled in different cases:

a) A request to the datasource is fired if we open a tab with a grid that contains a summary function.

b) After saving a new record.

c) After updating an existing record.

d) After deleting a record.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.
Revision 2016-08-03 15:00 by caristu
Steps To Reproduce Note: use an environment with an activated instance
0) As system admin, use the [Grid Configuration] window to configure the Sales Order window with lazy filtering enabled.
1) Go to the [Sales Order] window
2) Add a summary function to any column, and close the window.
3) Open the [Sales Order] window again and notice that the request to the datasource is fired.

The same happens for the rest of the actions detailed in Description.
Revision 2016-08-03 15:00 by caristu
Description Several datasource requests are done having a summary function with lazy filtering enabled in different cases:

a) A request to the datasource is fired if we open a tab with a grid that contains a summary function.

b) After saving a new record in the grid using the grid view.

c) After editing and saving an existing record using the grid view.

d) After deleting a record in grid view.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.
Revision 2016-08-03 08:30 by caristu
Steps To Reproduce Note: use an environment with an activated instance
0) As system admin, use the [Grid Configuration] window to configure the Sales Order window with lazy filtering enabled.
1) Go to the [Sales Order] window
2) Add a summary function to any column, and close the window.
3) Open the [Sales Order] window again and notice that the request to the datasource is fired.
Revision 2016-08-03 08:30 by caristu
Description A request to the datasource is fired if we open a tab with a grid that contains a summary function even if the lazy filtering is enabled.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.
Revision 2016-08-02 12:29 by caristu
Steps To Reproduce 0) As system admin, use the [Grid Configuration] window to configure the Sales Order window with lazy filtering enabled.
1) Go to the [Sales Order] window
2) Add a summary function to any column, notice that a request to the datasource is fired.
Revision 2016-08-02 09:32 by caristu
Description A request to the datasource is fired after adding a summary function even if the lazy filtering is enabled.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.

The same happens for the adding summary field feature.
Revision 2016-08-02 09:27 by caristu
Description A request to the datasource is fired after adding a summary function even if the lazy filtering is enabled.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.

The same happens for other menu entries like add summary field or showing hidden columns in grid view.
Revision 2016-08-02 09:26 by caristu
Description A request to the datasource is fired after adding a summary function even if the lazy filtering is enabled.

Note that this does not happen if the summary function is already included in a saved view. In this case the request for the summary function is not done until the user decides to launch the request.

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