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View Revisions: Issue #33507 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0033507: copy lines can generate incorrect audit trail info
Revision 2016-07-20 12:45 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 1. Activate the instance
2. As System Admin set C_Order table as fully audited
3. Generate Audit trail infrastructure
4. Login as Openbravo Admin
5. Create a new Sales Order header
6. Open chrome's dev tools > network
7. Open Copy Lines process
8. Select a line and execute
9. In dev tools select CopyFromOrder.html request and copy as curl
10. Execute bench 2000 "curl whateverYouCopied --silent" [1]
11. Execute this query: select count(*), processtype, process_id from ad_audit_trail where action='I' group by 2,3

  -> Expected: all records should have 211 (Copy From) as process_id
  -> Got: some of them have different process_id

[1] [^]
Revision 2016-07-20 12:40 by alostale
Steps To Reproduce 1. Activate the instance
2. As System Admin set C_Order table as fully audited
3. Generate Audit trail infrastructure
4. Login as Openbravo Admin
5. Create a new Sales Order header
6. Open chrome's dev tools > networw
7. Open Copy Lines process
8. Select a line and execute
9. In dev tools select CopyFromOrder.html request and copy as curl
10. Execute bench 2000 "curl whateverYouCopied --silent" [1]
11. Execute this query: select count(*), processtype, process_id from ad_audit_trail where action='I' group by 2,3

  -> Exepected: all records should have 211 (Copy From) as process_id
  -> Got: some of them have different process_id

[1] [^]

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