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View Revisions: Issue #29404 Back to Issue ]
Summary 0029404: Not possible to calculate the cost of a return if the product was changed to stocked after the shipment was completed
Revision 2015-07-13 20:00 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Create a product and set it as Stocked = 'N'
   Add a cost to it.
   Create a goods shipment for that product
   Change the definition of the product to Stocked = 'Y'
   Create a Return From Customer for that shipment
   Create the associated Return Material Receipt
   Launch the costing background process and check it finishes with the following error message:
"No returned receipt/shipment found for transaction Transaction: 25-03-2015 - C- - NotStockedToStocked - 5"
   Leaving the stock to 0 and setting the product as Stocked = 'N' is the only option to run the costing background process again
Revision 2015-07-13 13:17 by aferraz
Steps To Reproduce As group admin role:
   Create a product and set it as Stocked = 'N'
   Create a goods shipment for that product
   Change the definition of the product to Stocked = 'Y'
   Create a Return From Customer for that shipment
   Create the associated Return Material Receipt
   Launch the costing background process and check it finishes with the following error message:
"No returned receipt/shipment found for transaction Transaction: 25-03-2015 - C- - NotStockedToStocked - 5"
   Leaving the stock to 0 and setting the product as Stocked = 'N' is the only option to run the costing background process again
Revision 2015-07-07 15:09 by ngarcia
Description Not possible to calculate the cost of a return if the product was changed to stocked after the shipment was completed. It happens also if the product type is changed to Item
Revision 2015-04-14 12:48 by ngarcia
Description Not possible to calculate the cost of a return if the product was changed to stocked after the shipment was completed

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