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Viewing Issues (1 - 50 / 128) Print Reports CSV Export ]  Excel Export ] Graph ] [ First Prev 1 2 3 Next Last ]
    PID # TypeTarget VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummaryDue Date
  00390575defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2019-11-27Services Icon disappear in orderline after reload 
  00391205defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2019-06-06Order goes to Errors While Importing POS Data if the product is Auto Generate BOM and has a mandatory Attribute Set assigned 
  003893816feature requestmajorclosed (jorge-garcia)2019-06-05Add the possibility to define the assortment of a terminal at POS Terminal Type level 
  00391035defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2019-01-28Wrong payment amoutns when there are payments in different currencies 
  003881310defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2019-01-22Scaled price discount doesn't work as expected when a product has it canceled by another discount 
  00396681backportRR18Q4minorclosed (marvintm)2018-11-30Add removed payments to receipt json 
  00386106feature requestminorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-11-28Products should not necessarily have a price in the main pricelist to be loaded in the WebPOS 
  00395901backportRR18Q4majorclosed (marvintm)2018-11-19Cannot access ERP after accessing first ERP, and then WebPOS, on the same browser profile 
  00395863backportRR18Q4majorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-11-19It is not possible to apply a manual promotion/discount to a negative line 
  003767311feature requestmajorclosed (kchoperena)2018-11-16[SERQA 3684]: Forbid that the Anonymous Customer and a customer different from the registered on the ticket use a credit note 
  00395251backportRR18Q4majorclosed (gorka_gil)2018-10-26in Chrome 70 and touch screen, it is not possible to do scroll in Menu drop down 
  00392223defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2018-10-23Check Number field in Digital Coupons popup doesn't have a max-length defined 
  00389686defectRR18Q4minorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-10-22Not enough stock popup displayed although OBPOSSV_EnableStockValidation preference disabled 
  00394821backportRR18Q4criticalclosed (gorka_gil)2018-10-18When using remote images the minimized images are not used 
  00393742backportRR18Q4majorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-10-18Error in the preference "No Auto Incremental Load at Login" 
  00392512defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2018-10-16Price = 0 when you open a receipt in which the Price List field has been modified for the customer. 
  003886211defectmajorclosed (migueldejuana)2018-10-16Ticket completion should be executed fully inside the same database transaction 
  00393772defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2018-10-05The Copy Terminal process does not work 
  00394071backportRR18Q4majorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-10-05Slow query in logical munin monitoring obmobc_logclient 
  00391913defectmajorclosed (gorka_gil)2018-10-02Incorrect grouping by ad_user_id in SQL of insert invoice headers in cash-up process 
  00392814defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-28Login process asks for Cash up unnecessarily once per each till not associated to a cash up record 
  00392952defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-28If a payment is reverted and then an overpayment is done, there are problems. 
  00392196defectmajorclosed (migueldejuana)2018-09-28Order is imported without lines if Supr is pressed more than once after Done is launched 
  00387179design defectminorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-09-27when refresh browser in offline, login window is displayed 
  00382124feature requestRR18Q4majorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-09-26It would be fine to define the time limit a POS terminal can be offline 
  00393441defectRR18Q3majorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-26A Javascript error is shown when check stock button is tap 
  00393241defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-24Gift cards are not assigning to the customer selected in creation popup 
  00392824defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-21callback property coming in args from OBPOS_preAddPayment hook is not any more executed because it is overriden 
  00392773defectminorclosed (collazoandy4)2018-09-21A new ProcessHQLQuery to export a not BOM sales tax category is needed 
  00393031defecttrivialclosed (javierRodriguez)2018-09-21Add placeholder in search and a style in placeholders 
  00392873defectmajorclosed (gorka_gil)2018-09-21In SCO invalid RFID codes let the terminal blocked 
  00392551defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-21Request to add a hook in session module to change business date : OBPOS_ChangeBusinessDateHook 
  00392071defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-21Quotation completion process is not protected of being modified 
  00391765defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-21Cannot modify quantity of more than one line at the same time if them initial quantity is different 
  00392172defectminorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-20Button Cancel in pop up "Printer and display are not available" does not work. 
  00393021backportRR18Q3.1majorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-19callback property coming in args from OBPOS_preAddPayment hook is not any more executed because it is overriden 
  00392671defectminorclosed (javierRodriguez)2018-09-18An error is shown in insecure connections using chrome 69 
  00392101defectminorclosed (javierRodriguez)2018-09-18Product image in Check Stock window is not shown 
  00385852defectminorclosed (gorka_gil)2018-09-18Tests for synchronize mode and remote business partner 
  00383421defecttrivialclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-18[RR18Q2] Tax labels are not removed when all lines of a receipt are deleted 
  00392831defectminorclosed (javierRodriguez)2018-09-14Some local IPs are allowed to use WebPOS 
  00389763defectmajorclosed (asiermartirena)2018-09-14When doing a reverse payment, it shouldn't be possible to pay less than the initial amount 
  00392381defectpitrivialclosed (javierRodriguez)2018-09-13Included new animations in SCO 
  003906711defectmajorclosed (gorka_gil)2018-09-12isDelivered not set when using cancel and replace 
  00392251defectminorclosed (collazoandy4)2018-09-12The phone of location it's not set 
  00392042defectmajorclosed (rqueralta)2018-09-12DelecteCurrentOrder should not execute runSyncProcess unless Save Remove Ticket prefence is set 
  00391601defectminorclosed (asiermartirena)2018-09-12The order can have the status label to 'Canceled' when is not canceled 
  00392461defectRR18Q4majorclosed (adrianromero)2018-09-12The definition of the *Powered by Openbravo* element overrides last defined right panel 
  00391751defectmajorclosed (ranjith_qualiantech_com)2018-09-11When searching for orders, the loading label is shown in a wrong place 
  00391279feature requestmajorclosed (jorge-garcia)2018-09-11Extend terminal status information to check more information 
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