Test Plan:
-Go to Process Plan window, and create one.
·Organization:F&B US, Inc.
·Search Key: process plan
·Name: process plan
-Go to version tab
·Starting date: 01-04-2012
·Enfing date: 30-04-2012
-Go to product window
·Select Pear Juice and check production
·Select Pineapple Juice and check production
·Create a new product
-Organization: F&B US, Inc.
-Check production
-Process plan: process plan
-In manufacturing tab, storage bin=EC-1-0.0
-Go to machine
·Organization: F&B US, Inc.
·Search key:mc
·Name: machine
·Purchase year: 01-04-2012
·In tab cost, Valid from date: 01-01-2012, cost=1 , cost UOM: percentage
-Go to Cost Center
·Organization: F&B US, Inc.
·Name: cc
·Go to version tab.
-Valid from date: 01-04-2010
-Cost: 0.5
-Cost UOM: per Hour
-Check active
-Navigate to employee: Salary category: scategory, quantity: 10, cost uom: perhour, active=yes
-Navigate to machine: machine: mc-machine, usage coefficient:0.5
-Go to section window, and create one ,Organization: F&B US, Inc. , Name=section
-Go to Work Center window
·Organization: F&B US, Inc.
·Name: work center
·Section: section
-Go to activity window:
·Organization: F&B US, Inc.
·Search key: activity
·Name: activity
·Cost center:cc
·Work center: work center
-Go to process plan window select process plan, and navigate to operation tab
·Seatch key: op
·Name: op
·Activity: activity
·Estimated time:2
·Cost center use time:0.5
·Preparation time: 0.1
·Check create standars, navigate to I/O Products.
-Create new line:
Product: Pear Juice
Production Type: P-
-Create new line:
Product: Pineapple Juice
Production Type: P-
-Create new line:
Product: juice
Production Type: P+
-Go to work requeriment window
·Organization: F&B US, Inc.
·Process plan: process plan
·Quantity: 20
·WR Creation date: 27-04-2012
·Starting date: 01-04-2012
·Ending date: 30-04-2012
·Click Process Work requirement
·Click create work effort, date: 27-04-2012
-Go to Work effort and select the work effort created and click in validate work effort button
-Go to Crete production cost, clik in ok.
-Go to Calculate standard cost, and select process plan: process plan
-Go to production cost report and notice than the row from the sum of materials is deleted, and 'cost per unit' to 'real cost' and 'cost per unit std' to 'standard cost' is moved. |