Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
View Issue Details
0009498Openbravo ERP02. Master data managementpublic2009-06-16 15:452009-07-23 00:00
highminorhave not tried
0009498: If Import Product process fails, it is not possible to launch the process again until database is restarted
If an error is shown when trying to import products, this error blocks the import pop up window. It can be restored only by restarting the database service.
See steps.
NOTE: Steps 1 to 6 are not in detail for short. For more information about running these steps, check the smoke test at QA's Testlink.

1. Create a new client with the Initial Client Setup
2. Create a new org with the Initial Organization Setup. Use accounting and select an accounting file. Set the org as ready.
3. Create a new user with admin role
4. Use this user to create a new file format for products
5. Create the corresponding Product Categories
6. Create a default UOM
7. Import the products
8. Since you did not define a default Tax Category, an error message is expected.
9. Now, create the Tax Category, and try to import the products again.
10. When clicking the Import products button, the popup shows the "Loading" widget forever. See attach.
11. Restart both postgres and tomcat services
12. Try again, now the window is shown and you can proceed.
250MP3releasecandidate, suresh
png BUG_250main_ImportProducts.PNG (129,272) 2009-06-16 15:45

csv AccountsESOpenbravo_v2_OB235_v3.csv (213,755) 2009-06-25 12:49
txt Products.txt (598) 2009-06-25 12:50
Issue History
2009-06-16 15:45plujanNew Issue
2009-06-16 15:45plujanAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-06-16 15:45plujanFile Added: BUG_250main_ImportProducts.PNG
2009-06-22 10:01rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => sathiyan
2009-06-22 10:01rafarodaStatusnew => scheduled
2009-06-23 07:00sathiyanAssigned Tosathiyan => rakheemohanlal
2009-06-25 12:49sureshbabuFile Added: AccountsESOpenbravo_v2_OB235_v3.csv
2009-06-25 12:50sureshbabuFile Added: Products.txt
2009-06-26 12:12hgbotCheckin
2009-06-26 12:12hgbotNote Added: 0017611
2009-06-26 12:12hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2009-06-26 12:12hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2009-06-26 12:12hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2009-07-21 16:24psarobeFixed in Version => 2.50MP3
2009-07-21 16:26psarobeTag Attached: 250MP3releasecandidate
2009-07-21 19:20psarobeTag Attached: suresh
2009-07-22 11:49sureshbabuStatusresolved => closed
2009-07-22 11:49sureshbabuNote Added: 0018540
2009-07-22 11:49sureshbabuFixed in Version2.50MP3 => pi
2009-07-23 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2825602

2009-06-26 12:12   
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: c260d5eeac1d042c59b4d32d7600b6084d8df318
Author: Sathiyan Sivaprakasam <sathiyan.sivaprakasam <at>>
Date: Fri Jun 26 15:40:07 2009 +0530
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 9498: If Import Product process fails, it is not possible to launch the process again until database is restarted

M src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_process/
2009-07-22 11:49   
Tested working fine