Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0009227Openbravo ERP04. Warehouse managementpublic2009-05-28 17:182009-07-03 14:26
closedno change required 
0009227: Valued Stock Report shows total average cost for a product, not independent for each warehouse
When you choose a warehouse in Valued Stock Report, the report shows the average cost of a product (calculated using values from all warehouses) which is not really the value of each warehouse.
1. Create 2 warehouses in Warehouse Management || Setup || Warehouse and Storage Bins
2. Create a product in Master Data Management || Product and set price for it
3. Create an order in Procurement Management || Transactions || Purchase Order choosing the product and complete it
4. Go to Procurement Management || Transactions || Pending Goods Receipts and process the good receipt choosing one of the warehouses
5. Repeat step 3
6. Go to Procurement Management || Transactions || Pending Goods Receipts and process the good receipt choosing the other warehouse
7. Go to Warehouse Management || Transactions || Generate Average Costs and run the process
8. Go to Warehouse Management || Analysis Tools || Valued Stock Report , choose a warehouse and check that average cost showed for our product is total average cost of the product, not average cost of this product in that warehouse.

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depends on feature request 0009243 closed gorkaion Generate Average Costs per Warehouse 
Issue History
2009-05-28 17:18networkbNew Issue
2009-05-28 17:18networkbAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-05-29 13:18rafarodaRelationship addeddepends on 0009243
2009-05-29 13:22rafarodaNote Added: 0016762
2009-05-29 13:22rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2009-05-29 13:22rafarodaTypedefect => feature request
2009-05-29 13:47pjuvaraNote Added: 0016765
2009-05-29 13:48pjuvaraStatusnew => closed
2009-05-29 13:48pjuvaraNote Added: 0016766
2009-05-29 13:48pjuvaraResolutionopen => no change required
2009-05-30 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2798625
2009-07-03 14:26pjuvaraPriorityimmediate => urgent

2009-05-29 13:22   
This defect has been changed to feature request since, nowadays, Openbravo ERP does not support the generation of average costs per warehouse (see feature request 0009243).

Valued Stock Report is taking cost data from Costing tab (M_Costing table) which is filled via Generate Average Costs process (which does not distinguish between per warehouse).
2009-05-29 13:47   
Currently, the semantics of average costing in Openbravo is that all products in a single organization have the same cost, regardless of the warehouse.

In other words, warehouse have a significant for material management perspective (handling of quantities on hand and location) but not from a financial perspective (material valuation).

If you would like to have different costs for your warehouses, you can simply define multiple organizations and keep one warehouse per organization.
2009-05-29 13:48   
Should feature request 9243 be implemented, this feature would be automatically provided.