Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0008480Openbravo ERP06. Material requirement planning (MRP)public2009-04-07 11:172009-04-07 11:17
normalmajorhave not tried
0008480: MRP process : No control based on the dates
MRP Control Risks Report:

The MRP does not provide any control based on the dates. The MRP process (based on Purchasing or Manufacturing plan) is only calculating the theoretical planned date.
You have to check after the calculation if the provided planned date is not previous of the current day, or at least, belongs to the Safety lead time.

For example, if you have a Safety lead time of 5 days and the MRP process provides a Purchase Planned Date for 2 days before the current date, you still have a security of 3 days. The Plan could be accepted, even if the start date in anterior. If the Purchase Planned Date is proposed for 6 days before, the manufacture process is impossible.
All these informations should be easily available.

We would need a MRP Report that gives you the Plans with Risks (High and Medium as regard the Safety lead Time, the current date and the estimated start date for the MRP).
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Issue History
2009-04-07 11:17pmagninNew Issue
2009-04-07 11:17pmagninAssigned To => gorkaion
2009-04-07 11:17pmagninRegression testing => No

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