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0008115Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2009-03-13 12:522011-02-04 09:15
normalmajorhave not tried
0008115: Estimates window in sales management
In many ocasions, ERP sales users want to be able to compose a sales order that is only an Estimate, this is, a document to be sent to the client in order to consider wether to buy or not. And most of the times, they want to keep a follow-up of the different versions of this estimates prior to the final sales order.

This solution should be kept out of the sales order window, in order to keep it clean of "false sales orders".
I suggest creating a new window using the same C_Order table, using a different document type. Follow-ups of the estimates should be easily accesible. The main tab should have a button which will "validate" this estimate and convert it in a Sales Order.
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Issue History
2009-03-13 12:52mbernalNew Issue
2009-03-13 12:52mbernalAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-03-15 16:57rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => pjuvara
2011-02-04 09:15jpabloaeAssigned Topjuvara => rmorley

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