Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0007975Openbravo ERPJ. Demo datapublic2009-03-05 15:162009-03-18 11:03
closedno change required 
20rPath Linux
0007975: Remove discounts for business partner Demo Customer 01
Remove discounts for business partner Demo Customer 01 so no discounts are applied when a sales invoice is completed for him.
1) With current demo data (BigBazaar.xml), go to 'Sales Management || Transactions || Sales Invoice'
2) Create an Invoice with some lines for Demo Customer 01 business partner
3) Go back to header and Complete this Invoice

A discount has been applied to the summed line net amount. Go to lines and see the discount line(s). This behavior should be avoided for Demo Customer 01.
1) Go to 'Master Data Management || Business Partner'
2) Select the business partner with search value 01Demo and name Demo Customer 01
3) Go to Discount tab and remove any record

To make sure that Demo Customer 01 has no discounts applied, repeat the steps to reproduce.
No tags attached.
related to feature request 0007974 closed psarobe Create an invoice ready for Payment Aging Balance reporting 
depends on defect 0007967 closed AinhoaPagola Change the Search key (code) of the Business Partner CUS1012 to 01Demo, and the name to Demo Customer 01 
Issue History
2009-03-05 15:16rafarodaNew Issue
2009-03-05 15:16rafarodaAssigned To => pheenan
2009-03-05 15:16rafarodaRegression testing => No
2009-03-05 15:17rafarodaStatusnew => scheduled
2009-03-05 15:17rafarodaRelationship addeddepends on 0007967
2009-03-05 15:17rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0007974
2009-03-06 15:50rafarodaAssigned Topheenan => AinhoaPagola
2009-03-11 16:08rafarodaStatusscheduled => closed
2009-03-11 16:08rafarodaNote Added: 0014585
2009-03-11 16:08rafarodaResolutionopen => no change required
2009-03-18 11:03anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2691461

2009-03-11 16:08   
This change in BigBazaar.xml will not be done.